Chapter 7

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Sakura let out a frustrated groan as she sat on the edge of his bed. "This is getting ridiculous. How much longer are we going to put up with this?" she asked Sasuke, who was standing by the door.

"I don't know, Sakura. Work is just really demanding right now," Sasuke replied.

Sakura let out a sigh, feeling defeated. "I understand, Sasuke. It's just hard sometimes," she said softly.

Sasuke hummed as he leaned against the door frame, closing his eyes. "I'm being serious this time. I feel like your work is more important than me, I shouldn't feel this way!" Sakura said, getting frustrated.

Sasuke opened his eyes and looked at Sakura, his expression unreadable. "It's not that my work is more important than you, Sakura. It's just that I have responsibilities that I need to take care of," he said calmly.

Sakura let out a scoff, feeling a surge of anger. "Responsibilities? What responsibilities?" she asked. "All you do is go to work and come back home. You don't talk to me or spend time with me anymore."

Sasuke sighed and walked over to Sakura, sitting down next to her on the bed. "Sakura, you know I'm not good at expressing my emotions. But that doesn't mean I don't care about you," he said, placing a hand on her knee.

Sakura looked at him, her eyes softening a little. "I know, Sasuke. But sometimes it just feels like you're not here with me, even when you're physically here," she said, leaning her head against his shoulder.

Sasuke wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close. "I'll try to be more present, Sakura." he said quietly.

Sakura smiled, feeling a little better. "Thank you, Sasuke. That's all I can ask for," she said, leaning in for a kiss.


Sasuke and Naruto lounged on the couch, but an atmosphere of unease hung between them. Naruto seemed troubled, his gaze unfocused and distant, but Sasuke remained silent, sensing that something was amiss but hesitant to pry.

Finally, Naruto broke the silence with a hesitant admission. "Hey, um...I think I'm going to be leaving for a while," he said, avoiding Sasuke's gaze. "I just need to clear my head."

Sasuke felt a pang of concern at Naruto's words but before he could ask any further, his phone rang, interrupting the moment. As Sasuke answered the call, Naruto's face fell, knowing that his chance to confide in his friend had slipped away.

Deep down, Naruto knew that he needed some time to explore his thoughts and feelings on his own, without anyone else in the way. He had been carrying a weight on his shoulders for some time now, and he knew that he couldn't keep it hidden forever.

As Sasuke talked on the phone, Naruto slipped out of the apartment quietly, determined to find the answers he was seeking. He knew that the journey ahead wouldn't be easy, but he also knew that it was something he had to do alone. Once Sasuke finished his call he turned to find Naruto gone.

Sakura emerged from the bedroom, her eyes darting to Naruto's empty spot on the couch. "What was that about?" she asked Sasuke, her tone tinged with concern.

Sasuke, still trying to make sense of Naruto's sudden departure, shook his head. "I'm not sure," he admitted. "But I have to go - work just called me again."

As Sasuke grabbed his coat, Sakura approached him, her lips curving into a sweet smile. She closed her eyes, and Sasuke knew what she wanted. He leaned in and met her lips with his, feeling a wave of warmth spread through his chest.

"I love you," Sakura whispered, breaking away from the kiss. Sasuke smirked, feeling grateful for the support and love that Sakura always offered him. "You too," he replied softly, before turning to leave.


"Are you ready for this photoshoot?" the manager asked, addressing Susanoo and Tora, the two artists slated to be on the cover of their upcoming album. Both nodded in response, eager to get started.

The manager handed them their outfits, and Susanoo took his leave to prepare, leaving Tora alone with the manager. The manager noticed that Tora's eyes were red and swollen, a telltale sign of crying.

"Are you okay?" the manager asked gently, concerned for Tora's well-being.

Tora nodded, determined to push through the pain. "I can do this," she said quickly before hurrying off to change.

As Tora disappeared, the manager approached the makeup artist. "Make sure to pay extra attention to Tora's eyes," she instructed. "We don't want it to seem like she's been crying."

The makeup artist nodded, understanding the importance of ensuring that Tora looked her best for the photoshoot. Despite the emotional turmoil that Tora was undoubtedly experiencing, the team was determined to make the shoot a success and showcase the artists in the best possible light.

Tora emerged from the changing room wearing high-waisted lingerie. She felt a pang of anxiety as she approached the stage, unsure of how she would be able to maintain her composure while posing.

Susanoo, on the other hand, was already on stage, wearing nothing but a pair of boxers. He couldn't resist teasing Tora, sneaking up behind her and pressing his body against hers, whispering in her ear, "You nervous?"

Tora pushed him away, rolling her eyes. "Oh, Susanoo."

The photoshoot began, and Tora took her place on the kitchen counter, trying her best to strike a sultry pose. Susanoo positioned himself between her legs, his hands on her thighs as he leaned in for a kiss. Tora felt herself melting under his touch, and for a moment, she forgot about everything else.

As the shoot went on, the photographer directed them to try out different positions, and Susanoo continued to tease and play with Tora, keeping the mood light and playful.

"Come on, Tora, give me a little smile," he cajoled, nuzzling her neck.

Tora couldn't help but laugh, feeling a sense of ease wash over her. Despite the pain she was feeling inside, she knew that she had a supportive team around her, and that thought gave her the strength to keep going.

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