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After four years, Sasuke and Hinata finally decided to tie the knot and get married. As they parked their car in front of their house and noticed a familiar figure standing at their front door. Hinata looked at Sasuke in confusion as they approached the man. Suddenly, the man turned around and revealed himself to be Sasuke's older brother, Itachi.

"Hey, long time little brother, sister-in-law," Itachi greeted them with a small smile. Hinata's face lit up with joy as she ran up to Itachi and pulled him into a tight hug. Sasuke smirked and walked up to them, giving Itachi a nod of acknowledgement.

"It's good to see you, Itachi," Sasuke said as he shook his brother's hand.

"It's good to see you too, Sasuke. Congratulations on the wedding," Itachi said with a smile.

Hinata beamed with happiness, "Thank you, Itachi. We're so excited!"

As they entered the house, Hinata led Itachi to the living room where they sat down on the sofa. Itachi looked around the room, taking in the decorations and flowers. "Everything looks beautiful, Hinata," he complimented her.

"We worked really hard to make everything perfect," Hinata replied with a smile.

Sasuke joined them in the living room, offering his brother a drink. They chatted about old times and caught up on what they had been up to in the past few years. Itachi was happy to hear that Sasuke and Hinata were doing well and that they had started a family.

Itachi chuckled at his brother's reaction, clearly enjoying teasing him about his past crush on Hinata. "Man, I remember when Sasuke was so scared to talk to you the first day we moved in. I remember it like it was yesterday. He saw you and said 'She's pretty,'" he said with a grin.

Sasuke's ears turned red at the memory and he muttered, "Shut up, Itachi."

Hinata couldn't help but giggle at the story, feeling a warm feeling in her chest at the thought of Sasuke having a crush on her. Itachi continued, "Oh, and this time he came back from your house and he was so happy he started dancing. Which, you know, is very strange of my brother."

Sasuke's annoyance grew and he glared at Itachi, "Itachi, shut up."

Hinata placed a hand on Sasuke's shoulder, trying to diffuse the tension. "It's okay, Sasuke. It's  cute," she said with a smile.

Sasuke's glare softened as he looked at Hinata, feeling grateful for her understanding.

"So, Itachi, how's work been treating you?" Hinata asked, changing the topic.

"It's been busy, but good. You know me, always working hard," Itachi replied with a smile.

Sasuke rolled his eyes, "Yeah, you're always working. You need to take a break once in a while."

Itachi chuckled, "Maybe you're right. Speaking of breaks, have you two decided where you're going for your honeymoon?"

Hinata blushed, "Not yet. We've been so caught up with the wedding planning that we haven't had the chance to decide."

Itachi grinned, "Well, I have a suggestion. How about you two come to Hawaii? I have a vacation home there that you can use."

Sasuke and Hinata's eyes widened in surprise. "Are you serious?" Sasuke asked.

Itachi nodded, "Of course. It's the least I can do for my little brother and his lovely wife."

Hinata beamed with excitement, "Thank you so much, Itachi. That's so generous of you!"

Sasuke smiled, feeling grateful for his brother's kindness. "Yeah, thanks Itachi. We really appreciate it."


Susanoo and Tora were left breathless after their performance, the energy from the crowd still pulsing through their veins. The cheers and applause were deafening as they took a bow, smiling and waving to their adoring fans.

As the cheers began to die down, Tora stepped up to the microphone once again, her eyes scanning the sea of faces in front of her. She could feel the excitement building inside her as she prepared to make the big announcement.

"Thank you, everyone!" she called out, her voice ringing out loud and clear over the noise of the crowd. "I have something to tell you all."

There was a sudden hush as the crowd leaned in, eager to hear what she had to say. Tora turned to Susanoo, her gaze locking onto his bright blue eyes. She took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest.

"I'm happy to announce," she said slowly, drawing out the tension for a moment longer, "that I'm pregnant!"

The crowd erupted into a frenzy of cheers and applause, the excitement almost palpable in the air. Susanoo's eyes widened in shock and joy, his heart racing with excitement.

"Really?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Tora nodded, her face lighting up with joy. Susanoo could hardly believe it, but he knew she was telling the truth. Without a second thought, he swept her up into his arms, twirling her around as the crowd roared with excitement.

"Holy shit," he said, a huge grin spreading across his face. "We're going to be parents!"

Behind the scenes, life was not always easy for Sasuke and Hinata. They faced countless obstacles and challenges, but on stage, they were able to leave it all behind and create magic for their fans. Their music brought people together, and their performances were a shining example of the power of music to uplift and inspire.

As they basked in the excitement of their announcement, Sasuke and Hinata felt the love and support of their fans wash over them. They knew that this journey would not be easy, but they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, together.

In the beginning, they were just two young musicians with a dream, but now they were on the cusp of something even greater. With their music and their love, they knew that they could conquer anything.

~The End~

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