♠ Chapter One♠

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The first chapter 🥺....I'm so excited!!!🥳🤭

Let's dive right in!


“Ada, do fast na. Open the door!” Mercy whispered fiercely clutching the suspicious bag to her chest. Both ladies looked scared but determined at the same time. Bisi didn't look like she gave a hoot about the situation. “You know how this door is. Please, don't pressure me.”She hissed, giving the lock a second try.

The door; one of the things that caused problems between the girls and the landlord. It was already bad they were living in a self contained room  apartment. Security was highly needed in such an environment but trust these Lagos landlords not to care at all.

“Ahn ahn, neighbor! What is going on?” Mama Helen pried, peeking through her window. Mama Helen; the most notorious gossiper in the whole Peter Esama Street, known for having all the gist in her small head. Bisi hissed while rolling her eyes at the woman. Both females have always been at loggerheads, Bisi was always ready to give her a piece of her mind.

“Nothing ma. We're just finding it hard to open the door.” Mercy replied, wanting to get the woman off their back. Mama Helen wasn't convinced at all. “Ehen! I can always call Hamzat to help with the door oo.” She added, chewing her gum loudly. “We don't need your help.” Bisi fired, coming forward to open the door herself.

“Abeg oo, I just wanted to help. Wetin dey that bag sef?” She queried, finally hitting the bull at the head. At the mention of her statement, Bisi pushed harder at the door. The lock finally opened causing the ladies to exhale a breath of relief. Not bothering to reply to her, the ladies rushed inside, closing the door shut.

Not too long, a scream followed. “Bisi what is it?” Ada questioned. Like a deer caught in headlights, Bisi could only point at the floor. “Jesus Christ! How is this possible?” Mercy wailed. Ada wasted no second in crying. After all, she was termed the cry baby amongst them. “What are we going to do Bisi?” Mercy exclaimed with both hands on her head.

Bisi was finding it hard not to break down, she was the strongest and stone hearted but at this moment she couldn't keep up. “I sincerely don't know.” She replied by removing the wig from her head. “How are we going to get this body out of here? Wait fess, who's this. Abeg, on light.” Mercy demanded.

There was a knock on the door, they all cowered. Bisi cleared her throat, moving towards the door. “Who is it?” She queried looking at both ladies with fear in her eyes. “Please, open the door. It's the police.” There was silence at first, until Bisi broke it. “Haa olopa oo.” She trembled, throwing herself on the ground.

Few minutes later, they refused to oblige. The police officers broke down the door, with their guns held high. “You all are being arrested for the murder of Alhaji Hakeem Salaam.” They ordered. They didn't even bother to fight, the body in their room was enough giveaway. “Whatever you say or do would be used against you in the court of law.”

“I told you guys not to do this.” Ada sniffed. They were all seated at the back seat of the police van. “Ada, shut up! Do you want them to hear us?” Mercy retorted. Bisi looked heartbroken, she had been quiet throughout the ride. “Ahn ahn, Bisi why are you quiet?” Mercy asked. “We forgot something in the room.” She slowly replied.

“The bag!” Ada and Mercy whispered.


So....I'd love to know your thoughts on this chapter 🤲
With the little you've read, how do you see our main characters?🌚


Check the comment section for translations, if there's any...

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