The Agreement

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Chapter 3: The Agreement

"I can't believe we lose the case" Klaus says in frustrating, running his hand on his hair. "We fucking lose the case, Stefan" he raises his voice. Klaus Mikaelson is Stefan's business partner but also a very good friend of Stefan. They're basically brothers from another mother.

Stefan reacts nothing but let the alcohol burn his throat down. Alcohol is the only solution Stefan has now and he's going to take a very great advantagr from it.

"Seriously?" Klaus turns back. "You've nothing to say?" Klaus raises his voice. Stefan still ignores him.

"Stef, we fucking lose it" Klaus shakes Stefan's arms. Stefan groans "I lose everything the day I found out that my wife killed my children" Stefan says in a very husky voice then he chuckles hysterically. He's still calling her his wife who actually destroyed him in every possible way.

Klaus let his temper go down. He knows how badly Stefan's broken. "Stefan, I'm sorry" Klaus says looking at him. Stefan doesn't care and gets busy on his drink.

"We have to pay her 100 fucking million dollars." Klaus says joining Stefan in drinking.

"Money never mattered to me, you know Nik. She left me with nothing. Now, oeople only see me as if I'm a monster. A wife beater. They are praying for me that I should rot in jail" Stefan chuckles shaking his glass.

"She took away my dignity, my respect, my reputation. Everything." He says taking a sip and groans.

"Even a cheap reporter from a cheap channel dared to call me an asshole in public. An A-S-S-H-O-L-E" Stefan spells the word taking another sip.

"The brunette from TV 9? You're talking about her?" Klaus asks raising his eyebrow.

"Yes, that kid dared to say out loud that I'm an asshole" Stefan chuckles. Klaus aws and shakes his head "That girl got spunk" Klaus wiggles his lips and drinks.

"I noticed a blonde there. Behind her" Klaus smiles remembering the girl who groped the brunette when she called Stefan out.

"Dude, they're kids. Don't even" Stefan warns knowing what Klaus starts thinking. Klaus is 48 year old man but still a bachelor. "Oh come on!" Klaus grins taking his phone to scroll.

"The fuck" Klaus yelps. Stefan looks at him in a questionable eyes. "Dude, it went viral. The girl and you" Klaus shows his screen to Stefan.

Stefan clutches his hand in anger. "Nobody in this fucking world had this audacity to insult me in public but this... This little girl" Stefan angers rush through his veins. He holds his glass very tightly, ready to explode it. Klaus immediately takes it off his hand before he hurt himself.

"All this is happened because of Katherine. This is all her fault" Stefan hits his hand on the countertop.

"We'll get revenge. She'll pay. She has to pay" Klaus says taking a hold of Stefan's shoulder.

"But why don't you come and get ready to give an interview" Klaus says petting Stefan's shoulder.

Stefan asks in disbelief. "What?" He asks.

"Yes, I'm calling this girl" He shows Stefan the screen. This is a screenshot of the brunette looking at Stefan.

"No way. No way, I'm going to let this little kid an interview of me in my fucking home. What's your plan?" Stefan asks Klaus. Klaus wiggles his brows. "Just wait and see"


"Glad you two make it" Bonnie slap her hands together. Elena and Caroline both give themselves a questionable glare and then looks at Bonnie.

"You both have to go somewhere to get an interview" Bonnie says typing something on her computer.

"Where?" Caroline asks in excitement.

"The Salvatore Mansion" Bonnie says. Elena cringes just hearing the name Salvatore. She shakes her head no.

"That's impossible. I'm not ready to go and meet that asshole again. He's basically a wife beater and I called him an asshole in public." Elena says in disgust and immediately regrets when Bonnie gives her a very death glare.

Caroline leans into Elena's ear. "Don't make the woman mad. She's going to eat you alive" Caroline says holding Elena's hand.

Bonnie walks toward Elena drawing a force smile on her face. It's a face of Bonnie like don't kill her, don't be mad. "If you don't want to lose your job and don't want Caroline and me to lose our jobs then you'll have to take your pretty little ass on Salvatore Mansion and you'll be a good doll to Mr. Stefan Salvatore and take his interview, got it" Bonnie says making a grinch sweet face at Elena, caressing her arm.

Caroline just watches the whole thing because clearly Bonnie is hardly digesting to stop herself yelling at Elena. All Elena is left with nothing but a very uncomfortable smile on her face with an understandable stare.

Elena already knows agreeing to Bonnie to take Stefan Salvatore AKA The Wife Beater's interview will be a completely disaster.

Now, that's interesting.

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