The Interview (II)

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Chapter 5: The Interview (II)

"Katherine, please stop" Stefan raised his voice at Katherine. It was so hard to stop Katherine. She was loathing in anger, rage. She trashed everything she could possibly find near her.

"You're going to hurt yourself, stop" Stefan begged Katherine. Katherine took a flower vase and threw it on the ground. It broke into pieces and a piece of glass cut Stefan's arm. He winced in pain.

"I'm so sick of you. I don't want to live with you anymore" Katherine screamed. She looked so dead and dangerous. Her hair was total mess. While trashing things, she hurt herself so she was bleeding from wrist also limb and a little cut on her cheek.

"I love you" Stefan yelled trying to stop her from trashing everything and also from hurting herself. Stefan words made Katherine's blood boil more.

"I don't, Stefan. Why don't you get it? I don't want you. I don't want to be mother of your kids. I don't want to sleep with you. Hell sure I don't want you to touch me" Katherine shouted at Stefan.

Stefan eyes were filled with tears. He couldn't believe a life without her. He only loved one woman in his life but yet she was the one causing pain.

"I love you" Stefan said closing his eyes but he only heard her footsteps fading away from the house.

"Did you physically abuse your ex wife?" These words put Stefan out of the world. He's lost in his own la la land. He's remembering everything that happened between them.

"Mr. Salvatore" Elena calls him. Stefan makes an eye contact with her. Elena finds his eyes very expressive. Those puppy eyes are blurry as if she just revives some old pain out of it.

Stefan clears his throat. "I'm not very comfortable with the question. Can you ask something else?" Stefan says very calmly. Elena wants to argue because she's allowed to ask anything and he's the one who brings them to take his interview now he's the one saying to change it. But then again Elena's not really that bad from the heart. She is also living in emotional damage. She just nods her head. Stefan smiles awkwardly. He's trying to keep himself calm. He doesn't seem to look like that arrogant asshole that he was that day, she thought.

"What's your future plan umm..." Elena tries to make a really valid question but she just can't. She always stays confident but this time it lacks. She curses herself but Stefan chuckles. "You're really a very horrible journalist" Stefan says to Elena. He knows she's going to burst anytime soon in anger of course.

But she proves him wrong because she lets out a very beautiful laugh. Stefan lost in her laugh. She looks so beautiful and elegant. She leans her head back while laughing. Stefan puts his elbow on the table brings his hand on his cheek for support as he admires a very happy Elena.

Elena stop her giggles when she sees him staring at her. Focus, Elena, she tells herself. She clears her throat. "I don't take interviews. I'm a publisher. It's Caroline's job who's pretty much busy with your friend and has gone...." She stops and checks her phone. "Since 12.45.. That means she's out there with him for 21 minutes, 10 seconds" She says to Stefan.

"Okay. Miss publicist. I get it." Stefan smiles. "Looks like I really have nothing to publish" she says tapping on her pen. She pouts looking at the paper.

"You're really young to be a publicist. What are you 16 or something?" Stefan chuckles. Elena rolls her eyes. "And you're too old to ask me that." Elena calls him out. "And I was thinking maybe you're not the asshole I thought but you just prove me wrong" she adds.

"Ouch!" Stefan scrunches his nose. "This is the second time you called me old" Stefan says sighing.

Elena rolls her eyes. She says nothing wrong. He's old and he shouldn't have problems with it. "Anyways, this interview is a disaster and I'm going to lose my job. So, I'm going to go find my colleague who's going to lose her job as well" Elena says smiling awkwardly getting up from the chair.

Stefan tenses up as he gets up, "Wait, what?" He asks him. Elena fixes her bag on her shoulder. "My boss is really arrogant. She only liked me because of the news about me calling you an asshole then you were... well called me to take an interview which I refused by the way at first but now I'm going back with nothing so I'm losing my job" Elena says to Stefan attempting to get out of there but Stefan gropes her hand.

She winces but not in pain. His touch feels so wanted against her skin. It doesn't feel dirty or bad. She turns back at Stefan. She notices his eyebrows are pressed together.

"You don't have to worry about it. As soon as Miss Forbes returns I'll give her the interview. I technically called you for it so you're not going without one" he says to Elena. Out of nowhere she sees blurry because of the tears she gets in her eyes. Really he'd do that for her, she can't believe.

"Why are you being so nice to me? I've called you an asshole in public when you were in your worst situation" she says in her broken voice.

"Because Elena I'm not really that much of an asshole you think that I'm and I'd hate if someone loses something because of me" he says to Elena. Stefan brings his hands on her arms.

She's going to cry now for the care and support she gets from the stranger. It's been so long that she feels something good. She loses the love of her life who gave nothing but pain, heartbreak, anger and every bad thing that exists.

They just stare at each other until they hear footsteps coming at their direction. Stefan takes his hands off Elena and Elena sees his hands go off her shoulder.

"By the way, I'm not 16. I'm 22" she corrects him. Stefan lets out a laugh. Elena just smiles.

"Why the two of you laughing?" Caroline asks to Elena. Before Elena can say anything to Caroline, "Miss Forbes, you wouldn't mind to take my interview. Would you?" Stefan asks. Caroline smiles and nods. "Of course not" she says. Stefan brings a hand at her direction, Caroline smiles and walks first.

Stefan gives Elena a very approval face, excuses himself. Elena stands there and exhales.


"Thank you for your time Mr. Salvatore. It was my pleasure to take your interview" Caroline says shaking her hand with Stefan.

"Mine too. You'll become a very great journalist and publicist" he says publicist looking at Elena "one day" he finishes. Elena nods.

"I guess it's a goodbye" Elena says to Stefan. Someone her tone is sad. It's awkward and weird. Why is she feeling sad. Did she really enjoy being with Stefan?

"Maybe but I'm hoping for you to call me an asshole if we ever meet again" Stefan calls her out which makes Elena laugh out loud.

"You're really an old man" Elena pouts. "Maybe I'm" Stefan rolls his lip and nods.

Do you like relationship development, slow burn?

I don't actually!!

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