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Hyunjins POV

The cops sat on the couch opposite from jeongin and I after having a coffee with ma and talking about the situation.

" do you mind standing up and taking of you shirt?" One of them asked innie

Jeongin looked towards me nervously, I squeezed his hand reassuringly in response

" it's ok, just do it. I'm here for you" I smiled towards him.

He nodded and stood up, quickly removing his shirt. Wow, he had bruised and cuts all over but damn he clearly worked out.

" 우와! 민호형같은 근육! 엄청난!" I couldn't help but exclaim (wow! Muscles like minho hyung! Awsome!)

" hyung, not the time" his cheeks flushed a deep pink colour

One of the police men stood up to inspect his injuries

" jeongin " I spoke " dont tense yourself up like that, it's all gonna be a ok"

He nodded then winced as the officer touched one of his cuts unexpectedly

" ow ow ow ow" his voice got smaller and more squeaky every time he repeated the word.

He reached out his hand to me, squeezing mine tightly once he found it. His face scrunched up as the officer continued to touch and look at how deep the cuts were.

" hyung" he whimpered " hyung, it hurts"

I felt like crying , I didn't like seeing him like this. He was in so much pain, he bit his bottom lip and squeezed his eyes shut while holding my hand tightly and the officer spread one of the cuts making even me wince to see what caused it.

" I know, I.N , but he'll be finnished soon. Calm down, you'll be ok" I ran my thumb over his knuckles" it'll all be ok"

The officer began noting stuff down, like the size of the bruises, their shapes , where they are, how the skin has ripped to create the cuts, etc.

" and we are all done" he sat back down on the couch opposite " you may sit down

Jeongin immediately sat down between my legs, wrapping my arms around his bare waist and laying his head back against me.

" it hurt " he whimpered once again

" I know innie" I hugged him closer " but hes done now, ma will fix you up again later. Then you can have a nice hot shower and un tense all your muscles."

" I dont wanna be alone" his voice quivered " I dont wanna shower I dont wanna go to the bathroom I dont wanna sleep I want to be around people and safe"

" you're safe here" I hummed , burying my nose into his hair "dont worry, we've got you. No one can touch you while you're with us"

" thank you hyung " he sniffled lightly

" so, jeongin " a female officer spoke " we have a few question "

" ok" his muscles tensed up once again " what questions?"

" well, if you dont mind us asking,  how long have your parents been abusing you?"

" for as long as I can remember " he admitted " ever since I was a little kid, they've hit me for making the slightest mistake. They water boarded me when I was ten years old for failing a math test."

They noted it down " right,  and do you have any understanding as to why they do it?"

" i-i dont know " he say up properly,  I ran my hands up and down his back in a way ma used to when I was little that just felt so comforting " they say its because I'm stupid and worth less and I deserve everything I get, but what child deserves to be beat with a belt or pinned to the bed and raped for getting the smallest mistakes.... w-why do I deserve it? I know I'm ugly, and stupid, and i could be so much more.. but, am i really that...disappointing , to them?"

" oh hun" the female cops eyes softened " you dont deserve any of that, you're a handsome young man whose grades are flawless and you're clearly worth something to this boy. But, I know it's a touchy subject for anyone whose been through it . But you never mentioned the rape before?"

" I know " he sounded as if he was crying " mom invited her friends over one night...they were drunk. She said tha-that they could do whatever they wanted to they beat me up and spat on me and stomped on me with their heels , I still have scars from that, all over my stomach...and then" he paused, taking a deep breath "they tied me to the bed " his body began to quake " and .... they spent five hours, jerking me off even If I told them to leave me alone...and riding me . Whenever I resisted the-they would ball gag and blind fold me and all of them would lick my chest, my nipples , my neck and my dick.....I feel so disgusting "

He hugged himself and broke into sobs, I noticed how sorry the cops looked for him. One of them urged for me to give him a hug, and so I did. I pulled him Into my chest closely , he balled himself up and just sobbed.

" its ok" I found myself crying " I won't let that happen to you ever again" I dont know what I was thinking, but I kissed the top of his head gently as an act of re assurance

" I think we've got all of our information " the third cop spoke " thank you, both of you, for helping "

" of course " I nodded " anything to get those two thrown away"

" yeah " jeongin whimpered

The cops soon left, leaving jeongin crying in my lap in the middle of the living room.

" oh hun" ma walked over and petted his hair " I'll get you some ice cream, ice cream makes everything better."

" mhm" he sniffled " thank you"

She scurried off the get him the ice cream, and slowly but surely he stopped crying. 

I looked down, he looked like a baby, cradled in my arms like this. Even with his face puffy and under eyes and cheeks red he looked adorable.

He yawned and snuggled his fsce into my chest " I'm tired " he hummed

" I can tell" I replied " get some sleep, I dont mind"

" thank you, hyung"

Soon enough he was lightly snoring, his eyes shut and his whole face still effortlessly perfect.

" night Innie" i kissed the top of his head once more before allowing him to rest peacefully

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