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Jeongins pov

I never thought going back into school would make me so terrified , but I was mostly separated from jinnie all day and that scared the living shit out of me.

The entire way there I had clung to him, not caring about the stares it gave me only caring about the fact I needed to cling to him for as long as I possibly could

" I.N" he ruffled my hair " cmon, you've got to let go at me at some point " I didn't reply, I just shook my head "jeonginnie " he murmered " we had this discussion in the bathroom the other day, you've got this. Okay?"

" I don't " I mumbled " I don't got this, it's one thing being a curtain away from you but...i just....I can't "

" baby, I know you have some form of separation anxiety " he hummed, I blushed at the nickname " and I'm charmed that you're this attached to me but you have to try"

I shook my head again " uh uh" I hugged him even tighter than before, he sighed

He walked us into some room, I assummed the disabled bathroom and I was right

Once he shut and locked the door he tried to pry my arms off of him, I resisted despite him being stronger "jeongin." He groaned " let go"

My entire body was shaking at this point " but.....I-I'm scared" I whimpered

" I know baby, I know" he said " but you've got to let go"

My heart rate picked up at the idea and my eyes welled with tears, it felt like my stomach was being pulled out and I couldn't breathe

" don't leave me" I broke into sobs

" whoa , hey innie calm down " he rubbed my back in soothing circles "I'm not going anywhere just yet, just let go for now"

My body was now weak, so he easily removed my arms from him only making my crys louder and more desperate

" Hey hey hey" he said, sitting us down and wiping my tears away " Baby, calm down" he rested his forehead on mine while cupping my cheeks " calm down, its okay"

" no" I shook my head " I wanna go home...too much "

" what's too much?" He asked

" everything, being away from you, being here....too loud, people staring" I said through my tears

" oh innie.." he gave me a sympathetic look " baby, look at me"

I looked at him directly, he continued to wipe my tears before pecking the tip of my nose " you're gonna be okay.."

" no, I wanna go home " I weeped " let me go home "

" I'll call mom, see what she can do about it. Yeah?" He asked, I nodded

He pulled me into his lap and hugged me while he picked up his phone to call his mom " hyunie" I whimpered, he shushed me gently and drew circles in the palm of my right hand

" yes baby?" He hummed

" what if I have to stay"

" you won't. " he replied " don't worry, I've got this"

" I don't wanna be away from you though" I began to feel scared all over again

" okay, then...I'll go home too, I don't want you upset " he hummed

Soon enough his mom picked up, he put her on speaker " yes honey? What's wrong?"

" jeongin needs to come home " he said bluntly

" why? What's happened? Is he okay?" She asked in a concerned tone

" no, he was clinging to me the whole way in and when I said he had to let go he had a total freak out. I took him into the disabled bathroom and he just started crying and...he wants to go home. He doesn't know how to cope when he's away from me, he's scared" it was a sloppy explanation but that's because it was rushed " he needs to go home...he needs me to go home with him"

" o-okay honey, I'll call the school. Stay were you are until I text you "

" okay ma" he nodded " thank you, love you"

" I love you too"

She hung up, hyunjin went back to hugging me immediately. He placed his phone down on the ground and brought his knees up so i was being supported from all angles

" you're gonna be okay, we are going home " he comforted, running his fingers through my hair " baby, you can calm down now. Okay?"

" I like that nickname" I mumbled

" baby?" He hummed, I nodded " okay then, you're my baby" he smiled when my face became less saddened and more flustered " jesus you're cute "

I blushed slightly and re adjusted myself so I had my legs wrapped around his waist and my face hidden in his shoulder " thank you...."

" what for" he scratched the back of my head lightly and comfortingly

" everything..." I replied " I love you"

My eyes widened as I realised what I said, i pulled away and slapped my hands over my mouth

" you....love me?" He asked with a small smile , I covered my whole face feeling nothing but embarrassment " I love you too"

I uncovered my face, my eyes wide "y-you.....you do?"

He nodded and smiled " I have since our first conversation, that's why I was so obsessed with you...it was love at first sight for me"

" oh" I could feel a blush spreading all over my face " like...love love?"

" yes, love love" he chuckled and held my hands then pecking the backs of them " I love you" he repeated, I smiled at him , unable to contain my excitement "cutie" he pecked the tip of my nose

Suddenly his phone vibrated , it was his mom " she said we can go home now" he hummed " you still wanna go home, baby?"

I nodded and attempted to climb out of his lap, he didn't let me. Instead he carried me out of the room making me go bright red

Shockingly there was no one in the halls, I must've cried over the sounds of the bell or something. But I still hid my face, i didn't want people to think we were dating....are we? Even so, I don't want him or me bullied.

Soon enough we were in the office and had signed out , munhee rubbed circles in my back the second we were out and all the way to the car

" thank god you called" She sighed happily " I'll make sure you're in all the same classes so your education isn't jeopardised. And I'll make sure you get sat with hyunjin and his friends, okay innie?"

I nodded as she started the car , hyunjin interlocked our fingers as I rested my head on his shoulder

" see baby, I told you everything was gonna ge okay" he smiled then gently kissed my forehead

" baby?" His mom furrowed her brows "have missed something?"

Hyunjin went bright red " no ma..."

" if I have missed anything between you two, just know I will always love you the same. You're my son, whether you like pussy or dick"

" MA!" Hyunjin exclaimed, covering his face with one of his large hands

" its the truth" munhee chuckled softly

Hyunjin shook his head and sighed before resting his head on top of mine with a fond smile on his lips, atleast he has his moms support. He can come out to her with no fear , I'm so happy for him he knows now that there is no judgement from his mom and hopefully his dad either

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