Chapter Thirty-Four

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>>>>>> Click on the song on the right-- it's amazing and it suits this chapter very well :D


Are you guys ready for it? Lol, I haven't written ALL the chapters yet but I have written the Epilogue. Ahaha, I'm crying already and I can't for you guys to read it! ;D



                     P A R T   T H R E E:  T H E   R E A L I Z A T IO N  


                                               Chapter Thirty-Four

                                                 Monday, May 7th.

                                                     ~ CARSON ~

"Don't be stupid, Ethan!" I heard Gracie hiss at her cousin from outside of his hospital room. "You have to do it!"

"I-I know," Ethan responded. "B-But not now--"

"And why not?" A deep voice snapped. It was the voice of his father who had came in a few hours ago and even though he looked like a rather sweet man, Simon and I could both tell that he was just not having it with his son at the moment.

It was morning now and it seemed like forever since Ethan fainted the night before. All of our friends left during midnight when Ethan woke up but for the sake of Gracie and her family, Simon and I both decided to stay just a little bit longer-- even if it did mean missing school. However, since none of us were a blood relative to Ethan we had to wait outside while we were forced to overhear the muffled conversations of the McRoses and the Adams.

"What the hell is even going on?" Simon grumbled as he slumped further back into his seat.

I shrugged. "I have absolutely no idea," I replied softly.

"Wait, how many people are in there anyway?" Simon asked, trying to poke his head into the room.

I thought about it for a second.

"Gracie's and her mom is there and Ethan's dad," I responded. "That makes it three people excluding Ethan."

Simon sighed but say anything else.

Just as a few minutes passed by, Mrs. McRose and Mr. Adams exited the room and I couldn't help but notice how similar they both looked-- light brown hair and blue eyes. It was evident that they were brother and sister.

Mrs. McRose shot us a small smile as Simon and I stood up.

"How's he doing?" I asked.

Mr. Adams just looked at me with narrowed eyes. "Are you... Anna?" He asked.

He completely ignored my question but I gave him a nod.

"Ethan's talked about you a lot."



My eyes widened in surprise but just as i was about to say something, Mr. Adams gestured towards the door. "You guys can go inside," he said. "I think he needs all the friends he can have right now."

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