Chapter Forty-Seven (Part One)

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 [A/N]: So apparently this chapter was too long for me to upload so I had to break it down into two parts. The new one will be up tomorrow morning. 

And the Epilogue will be on July 2nd! 

>>>> And the song on the right, well, you should really listen to it 'cause i think it goes so nicely with the end of this story ^.^

- kelly_1231

Chapter Forty-Seven (Part One)



"The show starts exactly at seven, so where the fuck are you guys?" Maggie James snapped at me over the phone. I looked out the window of the vehicle and cursed under my breath when i realized that we were still stuck in traffic on the 401. Already, in my mind, I knew that by the time the guys and I arrived at the banquet hall of Carson's Debut that it would be around eight o'clock.I also knew that if it took this long just getting to the banquet hall that i could only imagine what it would be like getting back to downtown Toronto.

I let out a forced laugh as I tried coming up with an excuse. "Um, techincally it doesn't start still 7:30, Mags," I reminded her. "The opening act still has to perform?"


On instinct, I pulled my phone away from my ear to save my myself the trauma of going deaf on the left ear. As our manager continued ranting about how i was always late, i looked over to the guys for some help. However, Matt and Erik quickly shook their heads to indicate that they absolutely wanted nothing to do with Maggie at the moment. 

"Vincent!" I heard Maggie shout.


"Where. Are.You?"

"The 401--"


"Going to Carson's eighteenth birthday party...."


By the sound of Maggie's voice, I knew that she was beyond infuriated and i couldn't blame her. Why, with my constant slip-ups during the past year before I had even returned to Toronto, I could only imagine what Maggie must have been feeling at the moment knowing that i was showing up late to another concert yet again. If i was to tell her that I wouldn't even be going, well, that would have officially sealed the deal on my death note. And besides, Maggie was already at her wits end because of me so I knew I had to come up with some sort of excuse, or maybe explanation, that would somehow calm her down. However, what could I possibly say to make her feel any better? 

"Look," I said, quickly. "I really need to be at Carson's party for just awhile, okay? J-Just make the opening act perform for another half another and then tell the crowd Ever After will be an hour late. That's all I'm asking, Maggie, an hour and I'll be back by nine. I swear."

"The fans aren't going to be happy about this, Vincent," Maggie said, lowering the tone of her voice.

i nodded. "Hey, it's better than showing up three hours late."

Maggie stayed quiet on the other end of the line for a moment before finally saying, "Nine o'clock, Vincent. You better be here by then, you hear me?"

I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you so much, Maggs! You're the best--"

Maggie huffed. "I don't get paid enough for this," she snapped. And with that, she hung up the phone.

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