Chapter Thirty-Eight

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[A/N]: Happy Easter everybody! 

So anyway, in my last note I said that Vincent would talk to his "nightmare of a girlfriend" and a few of you assumed I was talking about Carson... l meant, "ex-girlfriend", so I was referring to Jane.

So yeah...


You guys getting sad? ;D

And oh, i just wanted to get your guys thought on a sequel to this story....  I'm still not sure about it but i just wanted your guys' opinions first.

And another thing, I won't be updating for TWO weeks and wait... don't get mad. I have the OSSLT coming up which I think is the Canadian version of an SAT's or something (I don't really know) so I sort of want to prepare for it even though the exam is said to be pretty easy. So yeah, two weeks and I'll update again. You guys can survive, right? :D

Vote. Comment. Fan.

- kelly_1231


Chapter Thirty-Eight

Wednesday, May 16th.


I never liked waiting.

          For me, it was a moment of dread where you were just waiting for the worst to happen but at the same time, silently wishing something better would emerge. For the past week, that's what I had been doing-- waiting, waiting for the worst to happen. But it never did. Everything was quiet. Too quiet.

          It was like the calm before the storm.

          And I was going to go mad.

          When was Carson going to break it to some news that we were "over"? When would she answer my calls and just tell me where we stood-- were we a couple, were we friends, what were we? And I could I still have a chance with her-- not as boyfriend but as just a friend, maybe.

          If there was anything I wanted more right now was to have that certainty that Carson, the girl I loved, was still in my life in some way, shape or form. 

          But given what had happened recently, I highly doubted Carson wanted to deal with me at the moment.

          And it was killing me.

          Ever After was suppose to have gone back to school on Monday but almost immediately after our first interview at the breakfast show, we gained a whole other list of appearances to make, interviews to do, and promotions to make. Maggie was adamant that we do whatever we could to get Ever After back on the market which meant that we had to take literally the rest of the month off. Jeremy, of course, found that absolutely ridicules considering the fact that we we would be graduating next month and we needed all the preparatory work we could get before the exams. And of course, Maggie had a solution: she got us a tutor to which I responded with a roll of my eyes. All four us had been tutored for the past two years of my life and I still ended up stupid. God, I should be a high school drop out, already.

          After doing another interview, I found myself walking into my hotel room exhausted. The band and I literally had to fight through a large crowd of screaming girls who wanted pictures and autographs from us. And since the four of us wanted to be polite, we did so but that cost us one less hour of sleep-- and quite frankly, I needed all the sleep I could get at the moment because tomorrow Ever After would be doing a radio show tomorrow morning where we would do the acoustic versions of our latest hits.

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