Okay I can explain

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I can not explain, the title is click bate, but I finally found my motivation to write again and in just one day I wrote two, 2,000+ chapters and finally finished this story.
I just need to edit what I wrote and publish it!
Franky I'm just posting this to see if anyone cares anymore 😅 it's been two years.
Regardless, I will post both or a chapter tomorrow and finally finish this story. <---- this was also a lie. I decided to hold off on the last chapter until next weekend. I need to buy myself.ore time.
I would do it today, but I've been writing since 9am and it's 6pm. I haven't accomplished anything else today. 😐
This is a chance for anyone to refresh on what the heck is going on in this story so you can be up to speed when they do come out.
These chapters are definitely an emotional rollercoaster so be prepared!

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