New Story

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If you liked this story then you might like the new story I'm working on!

"Those who know the Slenderman's hunters know that they are skilled and ruthless killers.
They are feared and respected by those who fight against them.
They are believed fiercely loyal to the monster who rules them, but what if that wasn't true?
What if one of the proxies conceives a child and goes against his master to keep the child and mother safe?
What will happen when he is left on the run with nothing but someone to protect from the monsters that once stood beside him?"

So yeah.
It's Tim.
He fucks up...big time.

I will post the first three chapters this weekend. I will also post a link in here. (For those who are waiting for me to post the new story, I'm sorry. I wanted to post the story next weekend... Not this weekend. I wanted to take a short break so I didn't burn myself out. Sorry for the confusion)

This story was an rp that me and my friend, Lily did back in 2019. Me being Tim and Lilly being Lindsay.
Lily is from the UK so ultimately, Lindsay is British and speaks with English terminology.
That being said, we've finished the rp years ago so the story is already written out from start to finish.

This will not be the type of "what if" story that people are somewhat used to. This story will be a dark, scary, slow burning story that will most likely make you cry more than once. There are lines I won't cross, but I do have some trigger warnings just Incase.

***Soilers in the trigger warnings below***

Trigger warning: detail of domestic violence, manipulation, and a toxic relationship (no Tim and Lindsay are not abusive to each other.)

Trigger warning: obviously, sex.

Trigger warning: infidelity.

Trigger warning: threats and attempts to take the life of a pregnant woman and unborn child.

And the basics ones that were common in this story, such as; panic attacks, blood, violence, guns, mentions of drug use, etc.

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