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Turns out that writing a new character is harder than I thought.
While Toby acts on emotion, Tim is way more level headed and methodical. The way he thinks and reacts to everything is different... I'm learning more about him the more I write him. I'm kinda excited to see how he'll react to what I'll put him through!
Also, I've been so used to excluding the senses of temperature and pain with toby. It's kinda weird describing discomfort or sensations now 😅 it's been fun.

What I have written now is what's been written for literal years and I'm so bored of it. I decided to change it up so I'm starting from scratch. That being said; I need a bit more time than I thought. Plus I don't want to burn myself out from this hobby again. I'm activity writing it! Don't worry!

More questions and more answers! Some are dark so please be warned.

Q: "Do you ship Hoodie X Masky?"

A: Masky and hoodie are strictly friends in the story's I have/will write, but I love the dynamic between them. I wouldn't mind exploring that ship in a different story!

Q: "What if Tim or Brian got kidnapped instead?"

A: Tom wouldn't have taken either of them because they are grown and more intimidating... Which is why he runs from them later on in the story. BUT just for fun, if Tim or Brian were taken instead, they would do things pretty differently. When waking up they wouldn't panic or get angry. They would use Jane to get as much information from her as they could. When Tom brings their food they would watch him, size him up, look for any weapons and so on. Attacking him would show that they are a threat and ruin their advantage. So they would do as their told and plan from there. Tom wouldn't expect them to do anything to fight back so they would probably kill him pretty quickly. It's definitely not as interesting.

Q: "How would Cheryl make Toby and Jane 'do it'? Toby can't do the dirty. He can't feel anything."

A: This question is regarding Cheryl's intentions with Toby and Jane. I did answer this before in the comments because a reader asked a few years ago, but for those of you who don't know;
"If he was forced to do it under these circumstances, it would be very awkward for him and painful for Jane. It would be a pretty traumatic experience for the both of them and ruin a lot of things for them. If they were to do it under different circumstances like, if their relationship was more developed, they weren't trapped, healthier, and wanted to to experience it together; I feel like he would enjoy it. When people have sex their brains release oxytocin, the "do it again" chemical. This also happens when you eat food you like, drink when you're thirsty, do drugs, have sex, win a game, etc. Since Toby's nervous system has nothing to do with his brain and endorphins, he'd still feel these "feel good chemicals". I'm sure he'd really enjoy making Jane happy as well. I feel like it would make it really worth it for him, but yes. I don't think Toby would enjoy sex the same way as the others. Also I want to make clear that I don't think Toby would get an erection and be able to have sex just because he was forced too. It doesn't work like that. I was just saying he would have the ability to get one. I'm sure Cheryl would have to force feed him something to get one if it came down to that"

Regardless, Cheryl's plan wouldn't work because Jane wouldn't be able to conceive in her condition. I'm sure that eventually Cheryl would get tired of waiting and kill Jane. It would break Toby's heart and Cheryl would probably try to replace her and think toby would just want to sleep with this new person because she has no concept of someone else's emotions. Toby would hate this new person and this new person wouldn't know why. They would just be kidnapped and stuck in a cell with someone who can't stand them... Wow I need to move on.

Q: Will Toby and Jane be together after the story ends?

A: Yes! But if you're wondering what slender thinks about his proxies being in a relationship... You're going to have to read the new story when it's published.
Brian pretty much avoids the subject at all cost and Tim would probably be the one who gives him the talk and grills him about using protection... Which is ironic.

Q: "Just a silly question ^-^' what would happen if toby actually died at the end? Just curious"

A: This was asked after I posted 'open waters' while I was on hiatus. So we're going to start there. Slender would have taken Toby away and they would never see him again. They would cry and be enraged. They wouldn't be obedient to slender anymore and probably escape? No, I think they would want to hurt or kill slender and they would know how to do so since they protected slender for so long. They would join zalgo or act independently. Either way, slender fucked with the wrong people.

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