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Chapter 7 happened to be really...really long. I'm still editing it and trying to shorten it up. (let's be honest, who wants to sit and read 5000 words) Since it's taking so long I decided to clean out my drafts a bit and didn't want the work to go to waste. This clipboard has my notes, character development, and parts of unfinished chapters that I decided not to put in, but still want them to be known. It's not a chapter, but it's something to move the story along.

*I've taken out anything that would be a spoiler. (90% of my clipboard OnO)

*Toby's protectiveness of children is the direct opposite of the proxies, who either want nothing to do with them (Tim) or prefer to not be around them (Brian).
* Is Jeff's relationship with Toby healthy? Maybe this is why masky hates leaving Toby with him.
* Actions focus on a sort of paternal instinct when Alex, Sam, and Marco are in danger.
*Toby is drawn to Jane's mother like nuture... Toby loved his mother, right? [not relevant]
*strongly develops 'others over self' since he was taken.
*Becomes independent over dependant.
*Tim's fear of hights
*Sam is only 4 years old. Surprisingly, he isn't the youngest that Cheryl abducted.
*Like a young child, Toby slept constantly during his early life. This was a result if his body trying to heal the damage that was left in his mind from slender's presence.
*Toby will eventually grow into a harden killing machine that everyone expects him to be, but I really don't want that.
*Toby's soft spot for children will remain with him throughout his life. He will refuse to hurt or see a child get hurt and go out of his way to save one in danger (To the other proxies annoyance)
*Brian's strong hatred for oranges is the reason why orange is Toby's favorite color.

Chapter 7 beginning. [discarded]
*Early in Toby's development.
*Two months after living in household.
*Mind is still young.

"[..] The gun fires. A strong force of metal against metal creates a fairy blast in my hands.
"Ungh" The loud bang forces a panicked choke through my clenched teeth."
*Toby drops the gun out of fear for it's deafening sound. (Shows fight or flight response, ignorance to dangerous weapon, inability to consider consequences.)

*The proxies move back from the gun as it hits the ground (shows they have understanding to what Toby does not. Contrast between student and teachers. A stressful situation for the proxies.)

*Brian's quiet and playful nature contradicts completely with Tim.

"Masky turned the gun to its side and pulled the safety switch. I watched the gun shift heavily in his hands. [...] he lifted the handle of the gun in my direction. I stepped away from him defying his silent demand to take hold of the object once more.
"He shot the gun." Hoodie mumbled simi-defensively, "That has to count for something, right? I mean, just having the gun would be enough to scare most things away."
Masky's face hardens at my refusal.
"Most things will learn if someone too afraid to use their own weapon. Toby isn't an exception." Masky grabbed my arm and forces the gun in my hand. "He would only make himself more of a target if he refuses to learn how to defend himself."

*Due to Toby recently having his mind wiped clean at this point, the amount of words he knows outside of receptive language are very few. For this reason he refused to speak during his early life. A contrast to the very vocal and outspoken person he is today.
*jeff made a bitter remark on Toby's mouth and wishes he would go back to the quiet phase.
*would trauma cause toby to fall silent again? [not needed].
*Yes is a simple but strong word.

"Toby." Masky's shadow fell over me. I lift my head to meet my leader's gaze. "I don't want this to happen again. You can't let your fear get in the way of your safety. We need you to keep a level head and get yourself out alive when we can't be there to save you. Do you understand me?"
I studied him. His familiar face was comforting to me, but even past the sense of familiarity and safeness felt with him and hoodie, I knew something was off.
His eyes, usually hard and set with unwavering fierceness, held something in them that made me uneasy.
I held onto this moment, taking in the fact that they were still here.
With me.
Soon I was going to be forced to wake up and face whatever Cheryl was going to do to Jane and I.
This memory was going to remain in the past.
He wasn't waiting for my response.
Only searching my face for a hint or a trace of understanding of his plea.
But I understood.
I was going to fear a lot about this world, but even if I was afraid I had people who really cared about me.
I couldn't let it take me.
I met his gaze. My voice only a broken whisper from disuse.

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