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      I was just wondering why do you think it's okay to bully? Have you ever thought of the downside effect of what you say? Some kids get enough of it at home they don't need it at school too. School, the definition is, an institution for the instruction of children, the student body of an educational institution. It's not a place where the supposed stronger kids pick on the weaker ones, it's a place for us to get an education not a place for people to hurt others. I was just wondering why you thought it was okay to pick on that girl that barely talks and when she finally says something it's along the lines of fuck you or go to hell because she is sick and tired of her fellow students talking about her and picking on her because she doesn't speak. Maybe she's afraid, maybe she's tired of being lied to about people being there when they always leave her far behind. Why do you think it's okay to use gay and fag and faggot as a slang word? It's not okay people take that to offense not even people who are gay, lesbian, bi, or transgender, there are people who are straight that take offense to it because maybe just maybe they know someone that is or is related to someone who is homosexual. I was just wondering why you use school as a battle ground it's not a place where you can have wars or fights in, it's a place where people are supposed to learn how to find y or x this is a place where we should learn how to protect ourselves not how to hide away in a corner because of what's coming after you. This is supposed to be a safe environment but what about the kids that are afraid to walk alone in the halls even during class because of the kids who pick on them call them fags, whores, worthless, ugly, all of this shit that ends up breaking people so much that they have built wall after wall that no one can tear down and it gets too heavy that they end up ending it all. I was just wondering was it all worth it?

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