Chapter Three - Hogsmeade Escorts

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Lex's POV

Ohh come on where in the hell is she? I've already been waiting for 20 minutes in front of Weasleys door. I start to pace going further out into the courtyard.

"Yeah, the transfiguration class is right there and her office is inside and to the left." I hear a deep thick accent say. Looking in the direction I spot Y/N with a rather attractive boy. He must be a 7th year...and he is no boy, that is a MAN. Dark chocolate skin and while I am not close enough to see, I bet he has eyes to match. Gods, that jawline.

"Oi, Y/N!" I call as I walk over to them.

"Lex! So sorry I'm late, still can't figure out that map to save my life." She chuckles. "Oh Kwame, this is my sister, Lex. Lex, this is Kwame Chuke."

"Nice to meet you, Kwame." I cannot resist flashing him a flirtatious smile.

"Pleasure, Lex." AHHH I could listen to him talk all day!

"Again, thank you for helping me. Have a great one!" Y/N waves him off as he exits the courtyard.

"Y/N?!" She looks at me confused. "Help set me up! One of the most attractive men in existence just graced us with his presence and you practically shooed him away."

Laughter escapes her lips. "Oh Lex...Kwame is in a very happy relationship with his boyfriend, Nikolai."

"Damn." I pout.

"Come on, let's go! I wanna go to Hogsmeade while there's still daylight left!"

"Hello girls!" The red headed Professor greets us as we enter her office. "I hope you enjoyed your first day. I have heard good things so far. Y/N, Professor Sharp tells me you have a great deal of potential. Lex, Professor Hecat was very pleased by your dueling abilities. Neither of them are easily impressed so you should be proud of yourselves."

Y/N and I both grin at one another. I'm so glad she did good in potions. I knew she would.

"Now, for your trip to Hogsmeade, please remember to bring the list of supplies you need to pick up. I have arranged for you to be escorted so as to not get lost and to hopefully stay out of any trouble." An escort, ughh. "It seems you have become acquainted with Mr. Sallow and Mr. Gaunt. I asked them to be your escorts for the evening and they both agreed." Ohh okay, maybe this escort thing isn't bad after all!

"That sounds great!" Y/N's smile increases further in hearing the mention of Ominis. Oh we are definitely talking about this as soon as we get some time alone.

"Very good, they will be waiting for you here." Gesturing to the map, a new location lights up indicating where we should go.

"Have fun and please be back in your dorms before nightfall."


Sebastian's POV

"So...Y/N, huh?"

Ominis shoots me a death glare from where he's sitting on the ground. "Don't."

"Hey, I'm just saying it's very unlike you to be helpful to anyone." I move towards the wall sitting down on the ground beside him. "Not to mention the hugging, walking together soooo closely." I lock my arm through his, resting my head on his shoulder. Increasing my tone to try and sound feminine, "Oh Ominis, I would just absolutely love for you to walk me to class."

"Sod off!" He shoves me away.

Laughter erupts from me, "I'm just teasing!" I put my hands up as if surrendering.

Hogwarts Legacy: a Slytherpuff Story - Ominis Gaunt x Female MCWhere stories live. Discover now