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I stayed in the janitor's closet which felt like hours and I figured that Mark and his friend had left. I got up and opened the closet to see the hallway was empty. I quickly got out and ran out of the hotel building. I had to go home. 

I went to the nearest bus station and waited for a bus to get me. I wasn't even sure if a bus would come this late. I sat there for a great amount of time until I saw some bright lights flashing from far away. Maybe it was a car. 

I got up to take a closer look and I noticed a black Mercedes was coming this way. I let out my hand for help and the car seemed to come to me. When it did, the window of the car was pulled down and I looked at the person in the car in horror. It was Mark and his friend, when will they ever let me go?! 

I tried to run from the car, but the car seemed faster than me. I knew I had to do something, the nearest police station is only 1 mile away and that is where Zane is kept. If I can find a ride there, then maybe I will be ok.

I kept running trying to find a ride until I saw a motorcycle. I put my hand for the motorcyclist to see and they stopped. 

"Can you please give me a ride?" I asked. 

"Where do you need to go and why?" The woman asked. 

"I need to go to the police station, but please hurry. I will explain on the way," I said. 

She nodded, she probably noticed the critical situation I was in from all the tears on my face. 

"So, what happened?" She asked. 

"Some men are chasing me and they want to do some on top of the level stuff with me, I need to go to the police station fast because I know I will be safe there," I said as the tears on my face slowed down. 

"Ok, I will get you there ASAP," she said. 

"Thank you. I didn't catch your name," I said. 

"The name is Blazey Hyper Speed and you might want to hold in tight because this thing is going to go faster than a roller-coaster," Blazey said. 

I held onto her tightly and she wasn't lying. We were going really fast. I looked back to see the black Mercedes following us, but it was behind another car so that was good and Blazey was going super fast that I think we must've lost them. 

When we arrived at the police station, I thanked her. I couldn't give her anything in return because I didn't have my purse with me, so I gave her my diamond necklace that I got for Christmas. 

"There's no need for that. I just want you to be safe, that is the greatest gift for me," Blazey said. 

"Thank you so much. I will never forget what you have done for me," I said. 

She gave me a smile and I hugged her in a friendly way and she left. I went inside the police station and went to one of the police officers. 

"Hello, how may I help you?" He asked. 

I explained the whole situation to him, excluding the part from where I was tricking Mark and asking him the questions. 

"I see, we will bring you to safety. Just let me know who can pick you up," he said. 

"My Father, his phone number is ***-***-****," I said. 

"Ok, I will call him and you can wait here until he arrives," he said. 

"Can I actually go to my brother?" I asked. 

"Where is your brother and what is his name?" He asked. 

"His name is Cryptor and he is an inmate," I said. 

"Unfortunately, you can not meet him," he said. 

I Fell in Love with a Criminal Where stories live. Discover now