[16] Termination

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Tim woke up the next morning alone on her bed, with Roxanne herself being nowhere to be seen. He checked the bathroom too which was empty so he took his clothes in there to freshen up first and then go downstairs.

When he came down to the dining hall, he was told that she had left for her office early in the morning. But she had insisted on him having breakfast at her place that she had asked the servants to prepare for him.

Tim felt it odd that she had just left without waking him up or saying anything to him. If he was in her place, he would have never done that.

It wasn't that big of a deal and he was probably overthinking but it made him feel used.

Or perhaps he was a hopeless romantic, craving validation from the people he considered dear, especially those who he shared a deeper personal connection with.

He settled only for some strong coffee and didn't feel the need to have anything else from the assortment of food prepared. And because it was his duty to keep Roxanne safe, he dialed her number to check up on her.

After a few rings, she picked up and her sultry voice filled him up, "good morning, baby. How are you?"

He felt his cheeks tingle at that remark, "good morning. I'm fine, how are you?"

"Busy," she replied, "but don't worry, everything is under control. I'm at my office and I'll be back soon as everything gets wrapped up here."

"Should I join you?"

She paused to consider, "I won't mind but you must be busy too. I'm safe here, things are going smoothly and I'll text you when I leave. All is okay."

"Alright," he took in a deep breath, "I'll see you later then."

"Certainly." By her voice it sure seemed that she was very relaxed and happy, "oh and Tim, darling, did you have breakfast?"

"I... I'm not hungry. I took some coffee though."

"Of course you did," she remarked but then quickly added, "well, I have a meeting scheduled in ten minutes and there's a lot of work to tackle here. That's exactly why I left early this morning too, I thought coming here early would give me margin to sort things out."

"Right... All the best then and take care."

He knew she was probably smiling by then as she replied, "you too."

She hung up so he put the phone back but unlike her, he was slightly perturbed. He felt the way things were passing currently indicated the onset of a terrible storm.

There had been no more death threats but Tim was worried that it could be that whoever wanted her dead was preparing silently for the attack. He instinctively felt the need to be around her the entire time so he decided to go to her office.

Surprisingly Roxanne hadn't thought much about the abrupt pause in the death threats. She felt it was probably due to Romero that she was being targeted so after his sentence, they stopped as their target had been achieved and Rom was brought to justice.

Tim on the other hand was worried because with Romero's imprisonment, it would be even easier to target Roxanne as she no longer had the kind of protection that came with being the beloved sister of a feared gang leader.

No one knew what the two were like with each other in real life but on the front, they were a very close-knitted pair of siblings to the general public.

Perhaps that was what had stopped those people from attacking her so far but with Romero behind bars, the path was clear for them to strike.

Picking up a sandwich from the plate, he took out his car keys and left for her office.

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