[19] Bitter Confession

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Anya had asked Roxanne about the allegations against Rom for abusing her but she was silent, considering whether or not to tell her the truth. Unknown to the two of them, Colin was standing outside and listening in on the conversation.

He had been surprised that his aunt had come to visit them so abruptly but he had paused outside upon hearing what they were talking about. He knew about the case going on against his father too but didn't know the details as Anya hadn't told him much.

Right then as Roxanne and his mother were talking about the case, he felt he could find out through them what was really going on.

"Anya, it wasn't always this bad," Roxanne was holding her hands, trying her best to explain, "you know Rom, he gets angry a lot and I was just... I just let it slide."

"He took it out on you and you let it slide? My dear, why?" Anya looked hurt upon hearing that and Roxanne took in a deep breath, knowing things would come to that point.

That was exactly why she hadn't told them about Rom's spiraling anger issues before. She hadn't wanted them to get worried.

"What happened this time?" She asked, noticing the color fading from Roxanne's cheeks, "and please don't lie to me. Tell me what he did to you."


"I won't say it twice, I deserve to know."

She could see that Anya wouldn't let it rest until she told her, "we got into a fight. And I threw a glass vase at him because he wasn't backing off and I... I shouldn't have... He cut my back using the same shard that hit him. He would have killed me..."

She was trembling and Anya gathered her in her arms, horrified to hear that from her. She knew her husband was very short-tempered but she hadn't expected he would abuse his own sister.

"But Roxanne, you said he was getting better. You promised me you would see to it that he went to his therapist."

She broke the embrace, shaking her head slightly, "there was no therapist. I lied to you."

"But why?"

"I felt he would get better and it's not like he had hurt me terribly before. He would leave bruises but they would fade in a few days. But that day was the first time he cut me and drew blood, the first time and I got terrified..."

Colin couldn't keep hearing more so he pushed open the door, making both the women turn to face him.

He stepped in and Roxanne immediately stopped, eyes widening in alarm to see him. She hadn't wanted Colin to find out about how his father treated her because it would shake his perception of Romero.

"And you didn't tell us anything," Colin remarked but his voice was concerned and not accusatory, "Auntie Rox, when were you going to tell us?"

"Never," she breathed, "and I didn't want you to find out even now."

"But he was hurting you," he bent down on his knees by her bed, his hand reaching out to clasp hers, "and you kept bearing it. Why?"

"I didn't want things to come to this point. Now Rom is in prison due to me and you two probably hate me for putting him behind bars..."

"That's ridiculous. We don't hate you, we are your family," the boy insisted, looking at his mother too so she could back him up.

"Colin is right, dear, we don't blame you for what happened. But it wasn't right of you to keep dealing with this for so long. If we had known, maybe we could have helped in getting him the treatment he needed."

"You know him, Anya, he would never agree," she spoke up, recalling her last meeting with him, "I told him I had talked to the prison authorities to let him have regular therapy sessions and he got so mad at me that he told me never to come to see him again. He's a mess now and in some way or other, it is my fault. If not fully but still partially, I am responsible."

Anya gently hugged her, knowing she needed comfort at the moment. She had always been very good at reading people's emotions, especially with those who were close to her. That was why a man as unstable as Romero too found himself at ease with her.

Right then Anya was shaken up about finding the dark side of her husband but at the same time, she felt Roxanne was still withholding a lot from them. Perhaps the woman was afraid they would stop caring for her so she was intentionally not telling them more.

Colin exchanged a glance with his mother who nodded in affirmation. So he stood up, going out to the kitchen to get something warm for Roxanne to drink.

"This should not have happened but it will be wrong for you to fully take the blame for it," Anya tried to comfort her, "but it won't be any use now to dwell on the past, we must look at what we can do now."

"What are you planning to do?"

"We will go back to Gotham," the woman spoke decisively, "I have to meet Romero."

Hearing about her decision to go to Gotham made Roxanne fidget, "but Anya... I can't..."

"Why not?"

"Because I burnt all bridges there when I left," she mumbled, a guilty look sweeping over her features, "if I go back, I don't know how I will be able to face him."

Anya knew right then she wasn't referring to Romero. She definitely meant someone else. But before she could ask her who it was that she was reluctant to see again, Colin came in with a mug of hot chocolate.

She decided not to ask her further and let her finish her drink in silence. She knew Roxanne had already had enough of sharing that part of her life and having Colin come to learn about it too.

She needed to rest.

Shortly after, Roxanne felt her eyes drooping from fatigue and Anya gently laid her down on the bed, covering her up with a blanket. However, Colin took her phone when he was sure she wasn't looking and stepped out of the room.


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