[28] Burning Bridges

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After the decision passed by the Dublin High Court, the Donnelleys were brought back to Ireland and their cases were reopened. Adrian was also kept in custody while Roxanne was under treatment at a burns rehab center.

Her statement had been recorded and the doctors told her that in a few weeks time, she would be able to go to the court for the trial. The burns she had received due to that fire set alight by Adrian had affected her limbs and torso but the wounds were healing due to the careful attention of the doctors.

It took time for her to get back on her feet and it took even more time for her to muster the strength to look at herself in the mirror again. Thankfully, her face wasn't affect as she had shielded herself from the fire the best she could.

But her hands and arms were scorched and though she had undergone surgery, the skin that had been exposed to the flames had darkened with red and brown patches.

Still that didn't stop Roxanne's will to recover and be able to come back to normal.

She followed the routine and medication prescribed to her by her doctor and also went through physiotherapy session to get her muscles to function normally. She had to use a cane for support but had started to walk for short distances on her own which was a big improvement.

Colin visited her regularly and kept her updated on the proceedings of the case. She knew she would eventually have to face the court herself too but she was no longer scared of doing so.

She didn't want to run away again and was ready to face what was in store for her.

That incident in Edinburgh from which she had survived had changed her perspective on a lot of things. The fire had been a catalyst for change, a burning away of the past to reveal a new, stronger version of herself.

Now Roxanne was aware that the best option was to face all the obstacles in front of her rather than burning the bridges to her own path. And just like she was recovering day by day, she was mentally preparing herself for the final hearing of the court where the judge and jury would pass the final verdict regarding the Donnelleys.

She looked out the window close to her bed, seeing the distant city lights and clamr of the outside world. Turning her gaze up, the blue of the sky reminded her of a certain pair of eyes that she could never forget. And just that remembrance set an ache through her heart.

She took in a deep breath, coming to a decision at last.

She had had enough of running away.

Roxanne had to return to Gotham after the case resolved because even though she thought she had burnt all bridges there before leaving, there was something still unfinished waiting for her.


It was the final hearing of the Donnelley-Castellan case in the Dublin High Court. All the people associated with that case were present, including Roxanne. A nurse had accompanied although she was much better than before.

As she sat tense in her seat, awaiting the final decision, her eyes swept over her family members who were all held accountable.

Romero, her brother, who was charged for money laundering and penalizing the lives of many innocents due to his illegal activities. Adrian, her ex boyfriend, who was charged for arson, attempted murder and identity infringement. Anya, her sister in law, who was charged of being an accomplice to Adrian but at the same time proved mentally unstable due to the psychological evaluations carried out by the psychiatrist assigned to her.

That left only Colin, her nephew, who apparently had no hand in anything but was going to suffer seeing his family get torn apart.

Roxanne herself was charged for Adrian's attempted murder but her defense was that she had been forced to subject to the deed. A team of lawyers from Gotham were there too with the details of the trials held in Gotham in which Romero Donnelley had been found guilty of abuse toward Roxanne and illegal use of his company to cover embezzlement, trafficking and other offenses.

Dublin was witnessing a case in which almost every person involved had something or other to charge them for. It was a tearing down of the influential Donnelleys from their high pedestal, bringing them down in front of the law.

All the bridges were burning one by one but Roxanne was still there, willing to face the consequences.

At long last, the judge and the jury passed the verdict.

"In the light of all the evidence submitted, the statements recorded, the hearings witnessed and the accounts submitted by the representatives from Gotham High Court, the jury has come to a unanimous decision," the judge spoke up, commanding the attention of every person present in the courtroom. "Romero Donnelley has been found guilty of all the charges and is hereby sentenced to life imprisonment. As punishment for his crimes, all the property in Romero Donelley's name will be confiscated by the government including private estates and corporate offices."

Romero didn't object to the decision as he knew there was no other option for him. It was enough that he was not being put on death penalty.

"Adrian Castellan is also found guilty of arson, attempted murder and identity infringement. For these charges, he is sentenced for life in prison taking into account the heavy damage he caused to Roxanne Donnelley."

Colin was sitting beside his mother and he noticed that she was getting restless so he took her hand in his attempting to calm her down. The judge was getting to voicing out the decision of her fate as well.

"Anya Donnelley on account of fragile mental state and instability has to be subjected to strict observation and treatment until she recovers and no longer poses a threat to her son and sister in law. Colin Donnelley will be permitted to visit her regularly."

Anya's wide green eyes locked with her son's, "I don't want to leave you, honey... I... I don't want to go..."

"It's okay, Ma, I am not going to leave you alone," he mumbled, rubbing circles on her palm in a soothing gesture, "don't worry."

His sad eyes flickered to Roxanne who was waiting for the decision to complete as well. He had tried but he couldn't keep his family together as the vices that ran deep in the Donnelley blood and fortune had corrupted everything.

"Finally, Roxanne Donnelley has been found guilty of attempted murder and being an accomplice to her brother. But taking everything into consideration as well as the verdict passed in the Gotham High Court, Roxanne Donnelley will be fined for the offenses. She is responsible for paying retribution to the families that suffered due to the Donnelley companies and has to do so at the earliest convenience. As a result, she will be permitted to stay in Ireland if she chooses to but will not be allowed to start any business venture unless she is backed by a trustworthy guarantor."

That day, the powerful Donnelley family and their name crumbled into a pile of dust and ash. But Roxanne felt that she had been given a second chance to set things right as her punishment wasn't as severe as she thought it could be.

It gave her enough motivation to follow the decision of the court and make things right on her end. There was a lot she had to do but she would first start with paying off the fine to the families that had been victimized due to her family.

The judge banged his gavel on the wooden board of his stand, signaling the end of the hearing. "The court session is concluded. Case dismissed."


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