Chapter 6

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He wouldn't like this

I'm sitting on my bed now, with my notebook on my legs and a pen in my hand.

To sum everything up:

-Jake has gone to the mine instead of me.
-He tried to save Richy by doing cpr.
-He then escaped and disappeared from Alan's sight.

I hesitate for a second before writing down the last point: my heart aches a little bit.

It's hard...

But I can do this. I need to be strong for this- no actually, let me rephrase it. I know I am strong enough to do this.

So I write down the last point.

-There's supposedly his blood in one corridor of the mine.

I tap the pen against my lips, while staring at those dark lines I've just written on my notebook.

So, what do I do now?

I need to write down a plan, first of all. It would be better to discover which route he took from the mine: alright, so this is plan A. Plan B: if I don't discover anything about a possible route he took, I shall do something else. I should probably try to discover his steps before he went to Grimrock. Who knows, I might find something that could lead me to a possible place where Jake is hiding: a place dear to him, maybe. There are many possibilities, actually. I also introduce a third plan, Plan AB: if tracing down his route after Grimrock takes me too much time, I can start Plan B without actually giving up on Plan A.

Alright, so these are my plans:

Plan A: tracing down Jake's steps after Grimrock's incident.
Plan B: finding where Jake was staying before going to Grimrock.
Plan AB: activate both plans without ending one of them.

Okay, I think I'm done with my plans: I stare once again at what I've written, and a little smile appears on my lips. Perhaps I'm starting to feel optimistic about all of this.

Maybe this isn't going to end badly.

Now that I'm done with planning, there's another point I should cover: involving other people in this research.

I don't think I could involve Alan in this: yeah, he's a policeman and all and he has already brought me to Grimrock, but I can't risk it: I know that he has promised me he wouldn't try to arrest Jake, but what if he suddenly changes idea? I trust Alan, but I can't exclude this outcome. Not to mention, if I involved him in this research, he would be extra careful and secretive. And he's probably already pissed off that I almost broke the law by slapping Richy.

Now, about my friends: they know that I want to search for Jake. I think I mentioned it, like, five times by now??? So yeah. However...I don't know if I can actually directly ask them to help me. They could as well help me, but there's something in my mind that tells me not to do it...I don't know, call it instinct or whatever.

I think I want to do this on my own.

Perhaps I simply don't want to put them in danger.

Okay...I think I've covered everything now.

The first thing I'm going to do is go back to Grimrock tomorrow: it's too late to go there anyways, and I've already gone there this morning.

Plus, I'm terribly hungry, and there are certain groceries that I've bought at the supermarket ready to be opened. And to be eaten.

Perhaps I should take this afternoon for myself: it's 3:50 pm now, but I already feel like I could easily go to sleep now.

Maybe I should just take it easy now.

Duskwood | Until Death Do Us Unite (Jake x Female MC)Where stories live. Discover now