Chapter 12

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The call

It's showtime.

I take a deep breath, unlock Jake's phone, get into his home screen, and...


Haha, just as I expected from him, it's a blank default screen with just some of his apps, such as the chats app, the SMS one, and the browser. I don't know, Jake doesn't really seem the type to select a wallpaper as his home screen.

The only thing that I kinda expected to find was an image of a cat. It's probably because he was interested in Dusty's photo, but given his personality, he really gives off the vibes of a cat person.

Alright...uh...what should I check first?

Just as this thought crosses my mind, I realise that my hand, holding my phone, has started trembling. I grab it with my free hand, trying to stop the trembling.

Am I afraid? Well, perhaps a little bit nervous.

Am I perhaps afraid of discovering something that I won't like?

I shake my head: I've already made my mind about this. Whatever the truth is, I need to discover it. Hence, with my hand now slightly more stable, I choose to check the chats app first, without thinking twice.

Once I open it, I find our chat all above the others, with the number on the left signaling all the messages that I sent him after the incident. All those messages that he never read.

I subconsciously open our chat, probably to see what it looked like for Jake to talk with me on the phone. I scroll through the messages, rereading them out of nostalgia. The only thing different now is that I'm reading them through Jake's point of view.

It's only after ten minutes that I snap out of if: my eyes widen out and I give myself a little slap on my cheek to wake myself up, in case I was getting too drowsy reading our chat. As much as I'd love to keep reading it, I'm afraid I won't get much information from this.

I exit from our chat, and look at all the others he has. Well, actually, he only has a few chats with the others.

He has the group chat. Beneath that, he has a chat with Lilly, a chat that I actually saw already through spying mode where they had their cute brother-sister bonding moment. Then, scrolling more, I can see that he has a chat with...wait, Dan?

Huh, now this actually captures my curiousity.

But my curiousity actually turns into slight disappointment once I see that it's just Dan asking Jake how does he know that Hannah disappeared and slightly threatening him to tell him something, so it's just a message Dan sent him when the whole situation started.

And as expected, Jake didn't answer, despite having read the message.

Later on, we have Thomas' chat, which is the same thing as for Dan. Thomas personally texted him asking about Hannah, and Jake didn't answer.

And, not so surprisingly, as the last chat...we have Hannah's.

When I open it though, I don't find any messages: the chat is completely empty.

Well, Jake did say that he hadn't heard from Hannah in a long time, so that explains why it's empty. And the chat must have probably been created automatically when he called Hannah, after Jake read the email she sent him where she asked for help and he called her.

There are no more chats after this though.

Well, he did say that he became a person who prefers solitude...that explains why he doesn't have more chats other than these.

Duskwood | Until Death Do Us Unite (Jake x Female MC)Where stories live. Discover now