The sound Hashira: Tengen Uzui

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*i see flashes of Rengoku and Akazas fight and wake up in tears*

???????: you ok Dylan?

*I turn to see zenitsu holding a plate of bean-paste buns*

Me: yeah im fine ze-

*One of the little girls acsadently hit zen in the nose with her head*

Girl: help! Mr Tanjiro has gone missing!!.. *she looks down* oh no Mr Zenitsu. Im so sorry!

Zenitsu gets up with his nose bleeding*

Zenitsu: dont worry about it, ill be ok... eventually

Girl: you look like you just got hit by a train!

*i pass her some tissues to help his nose*

Girl: please forgive me sir! But Mr Tanjiro cant be found! Worse his wounds havent healed and hes training again!

*i kinda zoned out for a bit so i didnt hear what else she said*

*much later*

Zenitsu: he said he was chased by Mr. Haganezuka  until close to daybreak

Insouke: so thats why yourr not touching your food? More for me!

Me: maybe I should talk to my swordsmith I kind of want my nichirin blade to be a scythe

Zenitsu: wouldnt that just be more heavy to carry around and fight demons with?

Me: oh yeah good point *i eat some of my food*

Tanjiro: oh boy, If Miss Aoi hadnt calmed him down for me, he would have kept chasing me till noon.

Aoi: would anybody like seconds?

Girls: would you like some more?

Inosuke: Hell yeah!

Tanjiro: Thank you for yesterday, you too Sumi, Kiyi, and Naho

In my mind: i cant even tell whos who -_-

Aoi: there's no need for thanks

Zenitsu: speaking of Haganezuka, whats he up to now?

Me: yeah actually I'm curious too where is he?

Aoi: last i saw him, he was out sitting on the veranda eating rice dumplings.

Kiyo: And it seems like hes finally back in a good mood.

Tanjiro: Thank goodness

Girl: I bet you didnt know rice dumplings are his favorite food in the world

Girl: so if he's upset you should try and buy him some

Inosuke: get me some while you're at it!

Aoi: how's this? I'll get you your own later


* I'm just watching the others train by doing push-ups with the girls on there backs* 

Me: uhhh nah *i walk over to a tree and lean on it slowly drifting off to sleep*

*a few days later while im on a solo misson*

Me:*looking around* ok demon..... where are you?

Demon: right behind you!

*the demon lunges at me from behind and attempts to slash me with its sharp nails but i dodge ( well fall over cuz I got surprised which made it look like a Dodged... but anyways). The demon proceeds to make spikes come out of the ground, i jump to dodge them and dash at the demon, i swing my sword and decapitate it*

Me: easy peasy.

*a few hours later while I'm walking back to the mansion i see Tanjiro*

Me: oh hey Tanjiro! *i run over to him* how'd your solo mission go?

Tanjiro: oh it went gr- *we hear yelling*

*me and Tanjiro look at each other and run in* 

Tanjiro: How dare you treat little girls like that let go of them jerk!

Girl: hes kidnapping those girls! Hurry and rescue them!

Uzui:  why you- shut your mouth!

*Tanjiro runs up and was about to headbutt Uzui but... he disapeard*

Me: huh?

Uzui:your a fool

*we look up at him*

In my head: how did he get up there?

Uzui: Im lord Tengen Uzui, a former shinobi, a man known around here for his redplendency. Did your really think id fall for one of your vulgar head-butts?

Tanjiro: you let those girls go!  Lousy kidnapper!

Me and a girl: yeah what he said!

Tanjiro: you have no business doing this!

Girl: dirty man dirty man!

Uzui: show some respect! Who do you think your talking to?!  Im your Superior,  I'm a Hashira damn it.

Tanjiro: well I don't acknowledge you as a Hashira. Hmph!

Me: me neither! Hmph!

Uzui: don't give me that face! And what should I care if you don't acknowledge me? You bottom feeder! Did your brain fall out of your head, or what?! I'm taking these two cuz I need female core members for a mission! And i dont need permission to take anyone whos not a Tsuguko!

Girl: Naho isnt even a member of the corps! Look! She's not wearing the uniform!

*Uzui looks at her*

Uzui: never mind. *he tosses her aside and Tanjiro catches her*

Tanjiro: what kind of brute just throws people?!

Uzui: for now I'm just going to take this one on my mission, not that she looks very strong but somehow she is a corps member at least.

Tanjiro: everyone has their own personal strengths so don't be so incentive to make comments like that! Give us back miss Aoi!

Me: yeah give her back Jerk!

Uzui: good grief. You're really that lame. No wonder the Demon Slayer corps is getting weaker and weaker. They're recruiting wimps like you who whine about everything.

Tanjiro: what if we were to go in place of Miss Aoi?

Uzui: what do you mean "we"?

*Inosuke and Zenitsu are on fences beside him and jump next to Tanjiro, i walk beside Tanjiro*

Uzui: who the hell are you three? Got something to say?

My mind: did he not even notice me???

Inosuke: I may have just got back from training but I've got plenty of power to spare. I'm ready for whatever you got

Zenitsu: if you know what's good for you. You'll let Ms Aoi go, you hear me? You may be a giant muscular monster, but im... not... gonna... back down, nuh-uh!

Uzui: all right fine I guess I'm taking you four with me instead, but only if you four  obey my every command


Zen: hes huge

Inosuke: okay. So where are we going. Old man?

Uzui: the flashiest spot in Japan that's teeming with lust and desire... the Entertainment District

(And thats all for today my guys gals and non-binary Pals seeya)

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