A deadly Fight

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*the belt demon launches her belt straight at uzui and- all of a sudden Zenitsu dashes around her and launches her into the sky

Me: woah!

Tanjiro: Zenitsu!

Inosuke: leave that worm lady to me and mr sleepy head! You three focus on taking down the praying-mantis-lookin' guy!

Tanjiro: Carefull!

Inosuke: yeah yeah! *he dashes off to help Zen

Sickle demon: im not about to let you kill my sister, The horrible things done to us, the things that made us suffer, it only makes scense to give back what we received we might have been driven to misfortune but we make up for in the Revenge we exact upon the blessed.. do you understand now? That's the way we've chosen to live our lives, we have killed off anyone who has ever crossed us. anyone who has ever slighted us. Were going to slash through your gullets just like we did too all who came before you!

My mind: t- these two.... their amount of bloodlust is.... terrifying.... im shaking.... I wasn't even shaking this much when when I saw upper three.... I guess because that time I didn't have to fight him this time it's different I'm going to have to fight an uppermoon... but at least I have Tanjiro and Uzui to help me

*in the blink of an eye the sickle demon Rush towards Tanjiro and was about to stab him through the jaw*

Me: TANJI- *before i could even move uzui flipped him out of the way and blocking any of the attacks he tried, *i look over at where Tanjiro landed* you ok T- * all of a sudden the belt demons belts start coming through the ceiling but i block the ones that almost hit me but it still grazes my arm a bit*


Sickle demon: hehehehehehe, Them being your Stuguko was a lie. Your movements are so out of sync, it's almost laughable. And here I thought you'd be different.

* i continue dodging belts as they come through the cealing*

My mind: if I stop moving for even a second I'm going to get torn to shreds!

*all of a sudden Uzui throws some bombs around him and causes a big explosion knocking the belts away

Mind: phew

* the sickle demon comes out of the dust dashing at Uzui attacking him but Uzui blocks all his attacks*.

mind: h- hes so fast...if Uzui wasn't here we would have been torn down in seconds...

*The sickle demon cuts Uzui twice*

Mind: crap maybe even too fast!

* all of a sudden some of the Demons syths start going towards Uzui but Tanjiro blocks them*

Mind: ive been so useless for half of this fight... I have to start helping out!

*after a few mins of fighting some Kunais come shooting from a roof*

* as the sickle demon makes a dome with the slashes to protect himself from them Uzui goes in for a attack and cuts off his legs then me and Tanjiro rush in and jump for an attack

Mind: Time to do something usefull!

* all of a sudden he regenerates both of his legs

Mind: damn I forgot how fast upper moons can regenerate!

Sickle demon: man. That poison sure packed a punch but now its my turn.

Blood demon art: Rotating Circular Slashes. Flying blood Scythes!

*uzui kicks me And Tanjiro away from his attack and somehow blocks all the slashes but when the dust clears the demons gone

Mind: where did he go?! *i get up off the ground

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