「1」Glitches and Secrets

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please read the updated version of the a/n chapter if you didn't receive notification

i will also not add special effects on a/ns you will see in the story, again it makes the chapter messy. but over all, everything stays the same :)

Now on to the story!

It was a nice day for everyone. Everything was fine, everything was peaceful and happy. Everyone is doing their own work;


Every single member of Leo/Need, MORE MORE JUMP!, Vivid BAD SQUAD, Wonderlands × Showtime, and Nightcord at 25:00 are all coincidentally and surprisingly at their own SEKAIS.


Leo/Need is practicing in the Sekai.


MORE MORE JUMP! is doing a concert.


Vivid BAD SQUAD is discussing their next performance while eating and drinking pancakes and coffees MEIKO made.


Wonderlands × Showtime helping out with KAITO's next show since they just recently finished a performance in the real world.


Nightcord at 25:00 is just talking about making new music with Miku.


Wonderland SEKAI


"Okay that's all for the preparation. Thank you for helping!" KAITO said, happily. "It was no problem! Helping makes people smile and I, Otori Emu, my job is to make people happy!" Emu said, cheerfully.


"Well that's it for today, if you guys can, please watch my next show!"


"We will! See you later, KAITO!" Tsukasa said.


"Wait! Before you guys go, the-"


But before KAITO could even finish, they already pressed the pause button of The World Hasn't Even Started Yet to leave Sekai.


Real World




Tsukasa and the others are teleported back to the real world but..


It's all unfamiliar.


They went to Sekai at Phoenix Wonderland park, how are they in the middle of the woods?

「🎶」┊𝙐𝙥𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜.... // A The Music Freaks x Project SEKAI CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now