「11」The day of the talent show

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Today's the day.


Today's the day of the talent show.


Groups are already singing on stage. After this group, it's Kohane, An and the Kagamines' turn, then Wonderlands × Showtime.


Kohane isn't as nervous as she thought. She thought this was her time to show everyone her talent despite getting picked on(by Zoey). Also she's performing with her girlfriend!


Meanwhile, Tsukasa is the one nervous. He's not sure if the plan will work. He was nervous that they'll laugh at him and his friends.. he doesn't want that. He was barely moving a muscle. His mind was going through a tornado. What if everything goes wrong? What if his troupe gets made fun of? What if they'll be a total loser of the school that they won't be even permanently stay in?! He can't let that happen! What if they get mad at him for ruining the sho—


"Tsukasa-kun? Are you okay?" Tsukasa snapped out of his thoughts.


"Wh—oh.. yeah I'm fine." Tsukasa lied. "Hm? But you seem nervous.. Are you sure you're alright?" Rui asked in concern. "Of course I'm alright! A star never gets nervous!" Tsukasa lied. Again.


"Tsukasa-kun.. you know it's okay to be nervous, right?" Rui said. Tsukasa just looked down. "Just deep breaths.." Tsukasa did as Rui said. "There we go. You'll do great up there."


"But what if I mess up?! All this nervousness will probably ruin our show..! You guys might get mad at me..." Tsukasa's voice shakes. "You won't mess up, you're Tenma Tsukasa! The World's Future Star!" Rui tried to cheer up Tsukasa. "Plus, even if you mess up. We won't be mad. It's okay." Rui said as he brushed Tsukasa's hair behind his ear to get a better look at his face.


Tsukasa looked at him with pink cheeks. "Cute.." Rui thought.


"T-thank you, Rui." Tsukasa smiled. All his nervousness went away. "No problem, Tsukasa-kun."


"Wonderful performance! Now up next, the new students, Kohane Azusawa and An Shiraishi!!"


The girlfriends walked up on the stage as their friends cheered for them.


"Before we start.." Kohane said on the mic. "We would like to invite famous singers to sing with us." Kohane followed.


The audience laughed at her, An obviously got angry, the others as well. But An was the most angry of them but she was holding herself back. "Famous singers? Pssht! As if losers would be able to sing with famous singers." Zoey laughed.


"Would you be able to sing with a famous singer then, huh? Zoey?" An spoke on the mic as she gripped it. Zoey stayed quiet, "See? 'ya can't. You don't even sing. Now shut up."

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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「🎶」┊𝙐𝙥𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜.... // A The Music Freaks x Project SEKAI CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now