「10」Helping with the talent show!

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"Miku...? Are you.. Are you crying?"


"M-mafuyu...!" the poor Miku cried. She tried to reach her arms out to Mafuyu for a hug, forgetting that she can't touch her, which made Miku cry even more. "M-miku.. What happened?" Mafuyu asked, in a calm voice.


"Ma- *sniff* Ma-mafuyu..! I'm.. I'm tired..! I-i can't do this anymore..! I'm tired..! I can't ask for help..! I-" Miku cutted herself off. "Miku. Calm down.. deep breaths.." Mafuyu suggested, Miku did what she was asked and calmed down.


"Now, Miku. What happened?" Mafuyu asked. "You.. You don't cry.. I haven't seen you cry.."


"I-i know.. I.. *sniff* me and the others were shocked by this too.." Miku paused for a moment, then continued, "I'm just.. I'm so tired! I can't—I can't ask for help for this update.. my legs and arms feel so numb.. I'm alone again Mafuyu.. I don't wanna be alone again..! I want you here.." Miku cried. "Miku.. You know I can't go to Sekai without the update being finished.. I'm really sorry but I can't." Mafuyu said in a monotone voice, she doesn't sound like she cares but she does, she really does.


She.. feels bad. She also wants to hug Miku but she's struggling on how to show it.


Suddenly, the door opened, "Asahina? Akiyama is finding you. They're waiting at—" a loud voice cutted themselves off.


"T-tenma-kun! Uh—what are you doing here?" she flinched, putting up her fake personality. This confused Miku, "Uh.. Akiyama is waiting for you in the English classroom. They said it's something private in your group. I volunteered to call you." Tsukasa informed.


"Also, that's your Miku? She looks.. Very different from what I saw with the others.." Tsukasa said, as he went closer to Mafuyu's phone. "Why is she crying?" Tsukasa asked, but never got an answer.


"M-mafuyu, who is this?" Miku asked. "And.. why are you acting strange..?" she continued but didn't get an answer


"I- uh.. Miku, this is Tenma Tsukasa." Mafuyu introduced, nervous. "Asahina, are you okay? You're sweating.."


"I'M FINE! Tenma-kun. I'm fine." and there he saw Mafuyu's eyes. The light was gone. "Asahina.. The light in your eyes.. they're.."


"Ah no it's nothing!" Mafuyu fake smiled.


Tsukasa stays quiet, he senses something is bothering Mafuyu. "Asahina, is something bothering you?"


"E-eh? H-how would you know?!" that came out harsh. Both of their eyes widen, "I-i'm sorry, Tenma-kun. I didn't mean it! It's just.."


Tsukasa sat beside her as he listened. They sighed, "It's just... I'm having troubles with my feelings for these certain people." Tsukasa's eyes widened in shock, people? Also, Mafuyu HALF lied. Maybe because she's actually thinking of not going home? But at the same time, this problem.

「🎶」┊𝙐𝙥𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜.... // A The Music Freaks x Project SEKAI CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now