about zero

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zero is my yandere boyfriend's nickname. I still cannot decided on what to name him and just thought of naming him "Zero" for now. I did script that he had a hot name along with some cool surname that fits my real name.

age: minor, 15.

personality & hobbies

I decided not to make his personality to be that detailed and specific so I get surprised, but I did add some precautionary rules so that he doesn't hurt me or my family and friends.

Zero is introverted. he is really thoughtful and remembers every small details of someone he loves. he is more of a big brother type. Zero is passionate of anything he likes and really loathes anything or anyone he dislikes. he takes his studies very seriously as well. he has morals and private policies he follows such as to avoid lying and arguing with someone. he draws and writes occassionally, mostly about the things he likes. like every other normal teenage boy in his country Zero plays basketball.

and secretly, he likes to hack other people sometimes. even though he seems like a soft & nice boy he is pretty vengeful especially when someone really deserves it. he gets jealous sometimes but tries to hide it with a small smile.

Zero's the type of boyfriend to be willing to spend thousands of money for his lover. he'd buy them anything they like. he also likes giving special people, like his family or friends, surprises. Zero is also the type to not care about a person's physical attributes.

(that's all for now. you'll know more about him sooner.. I think ? - macysoon)

physical description

Zero has porcelain, fair skin similar to mason's younger brother. he has a neatly-combed black hair and slightly wavy bangs that reaches below his eyebrows. due to school rules, he had to cut his hair shorter than before. he is taller than most average boys in his class. he is slim and sometimes insecure for it. he also has reading glasses. he has some feminine features as well, like his long eyelashes and rosy lips.

sexuality: straight

pronouns: he/him/they

yandere traits
- slight obsession for me.
- often stalks me when it isn't a school day.
- sometimes manipulative.
- probably possesive, and really overprotective of me.
- gets easily jealous of my friends and some people who has a secret crush on me (if there is).
- threatens my classmates with letters, and coming to their house (with no intention of physically harming them, he just gives them a warning to not be with me).
- realized he is acting yandere for me but promised himself not to kill anyone.

zero - yandere boyfriend manifestation (+ rants & vents)Where stories live. Discover now