past updates

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these are the updates I had on reddit before deciding to write here. I feel like I'm much more safe writing here than in my notes app. my mom likes to check my phone, I don't think she knows that I know she does that ? but it's pretty obvious.

apr. 14 (first day)

I asked for a sign before I slept, and guess what..

"I want nobody, nobody, but you."

that was the first thing I heard when I woke up. it's a verse from a kpop song Nobody by Wonder Girls. I was literally shocked. coincidentally, it was also my first kpop song when I was a child and one of my childhood favorites, the chorus is catchy alright!

I guess I'm getting close. I'll update when something happens again.

update (april 15):

I created a pinterest board to visualize him much better and also wrote the rules and personality stuff about him. I had a dream where there's a guy really similar to the ones in my board.

edit: I forgot to mention this but I heard something drop on our roof the night I posted this. cats usually have fights on neighbourhood roofs but this one felt different. it's much more heavier and sudden.

edit 2: I watched a tarot reading if someone has their eye on me and I was pretty indecisive in choosing piles so I closed my eyes and tried to ask my subconscious / the universe which one is intended for me and I got what I wanted ! the description really describes my yandere, protectiveness and good intentions. I freaked out because it also included that if a "song lyric/quote" tried to like make a sign ? I have to listen to it. I forgot but it sounded something like that. "song lyric" caught my attention because of the nobody song haha.

edit (apr. 16)
about the tarot reading it said that the "someone" that has their eye for me was at least a year older because of their mature attitude. AND IT'S RIGHT ! I scripted him to be a year older, was supposed to be 2 years older but I felt like it was weird though because I look like a 5th grader and him being a senior haha so I sticked with just one year age gap.

update (apr. 16)
I've been hearing more stuff rustling on top of our roof. and last night while watching TV, I keep getting the chills I'm being watched (my instincts do not lie). I also saw a small white flash through the reflection of the window near our TV. tried my best to act normal if my stalker was really there. also I was giving hints on what I want while watching like "ooh, I want strawberries" like that. tomorrow's a school day and we'll see if something will really happen. I scripted he'll peak through our class window or leave love letters on my desk without anyone noticing.

april 17

today was sort of disappointing? and to be fair, I was a bit stupid. it's kind of impossible for my yan to sneak in our classroom without anyone noticing 'cause we have to close the doors during class and breaktime, if someone from other classes would wanna enter everyone would know. and the disappointment part? didn't see any tall fair-skinned guy today.

I forgot to add yesterday but during that night I heard someone knock REAL SUDDEN and loud then I heard "him" running away. weird but okay.

also, I just came to the realization I, myself, could be a yandere too?? not really sure my jealousy is driven by romantic feelings because I'm sorta aro/ace ? but I do get jealous when someone talks to my fav person at school.

oh and I want to share something. I think some of the guys in my class want to court me (prom is near too) ?? 😭 I hear them teasing and laughing then I heard my nickname then someone lightly punched the other guy. they also were more stary (stare-y) at me today. good thing I'm good at pretending I can't see them when they're literally visible in my peripheral vision. my yan would prolly get jealous and do something too them. wish them the best of luck ig

ooh, and writing the date here in my updates make this sound like my diary. I wanna share things about my life and the updates as well not to just some close friend or.. myself

any recommended platform where I can update much better ?

apr. 19

sorry for the delayed update. we lost our wifi connection, along with the whole city I'm in 💀 I'm currently typing this at 2% I just wanted to share that I sort of woke up with my yandere in front of me ?? I think it was a hallucination but my vision was pretty blurry and my body was just physically tired. still cool though.

he didn't give me any signs yesterday. but he was probably giving me enough time with my family since we don't have wifi and all. I think that's pretty sweet.

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