CHAPTER ONE: I want to live a life like that, live the life of the faithful one

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Pedri was laughing at his phone over a meme Alejandro sent him. Well, it was actually a screenshot of a tweet that compared Gavi's face to the red bird from Angry Birds.

And he was laughing because the person that made the tweet was right.

Gavi always seemed like an angry bird even when he wasn't trying to. They talked countless times over that, sometimes alone in the darkness of the night after he received another yellow card for trying to get into a fight on the pitch (even though sometimes it was justifiable; players from other teams -the ones that wanted to kiss the feet of Real Madrid as if that would ever give them a chance to get signed by the Merengue team- would bother them, foul them, even insult them and all just because they are Barcelona; they knew referees won't interfere a lot, at least until people like Gavi came to defend his teammates and for that he would get booked-); sometimes they talked about it with the team, with Robert losing his mind every time he watched Gavi go head down to get a practically lost ball because he would rather leave the pitch unconscious than let the other team try to get a chance of scoring; sometimes they talked it with their families, in the few sundays or holidays they had free in the year where they were able to reunite all and Pedri's father would tell Gavi to please don't leave his son widowed before they even got married, comments that would make Gavi's entire face red while Pedri would facepalm and ask his dad to please dont embarrass him anymore in front of his in-laws. And that would lead to Gavi's mother telling them that they tried everything, going on a long way of psychologist, pedagogist, sending him to football to see if he could get tired and calm down ("like a puppy", she would add), paint classes, anything and all the experts agreed in one thing: Gavi is like that, that's his personality and nothing or no one will ever change it. He could moderate himself with the years, but nothing will tame him entirely.

And he knows sometimes Gavi feels overwhelmed by it. Because he's an omega and in society, even if they had advanced a lot in terms of how to treat others, doesn't mean that there are "old values" still ingrained in it (and much more in such a sport as football). Pedri is not indifferent to the screams and cat-calls the fans of opposite teams yell at Gavi when he manages to stop or steal a ball from one of their players, or how some of them get when they lose in the comments of his Instagram. And even if he also isn't the stereotypical alpha in the eyes of some people, he still doesn't get even half of the hate his boyfriend receives.
So, when they have a bad game, the first thing he does if they play at Camp Nou is go straight to the locker room and hug him, let him feel secure letting him rest his nose in the neck of his alpha, and when they play away be sure to be the first message he sees when his boyfriend grabs his phone, because the injury doesn't let him go further and it pains him not to be there on the pitch to hug him and tell him that everything is okay, that they will pull through.

And speaking of the devil, as he returns the attention to his phone and replies to Ale with a sticker he hears the door of their bedroom open and then feels Gavi standing in front of him. He raises his eyes from the screen and stares at him.

"How long did you need to shower? I'm starving alre-"

"I'm pregnant"

And Pedri immediately chokes himself with his own saliva.


And Gavi hands him what he had on his hands. A white plastic stick that Pedri grabs and watches completely shocked.
There, in a vibrant red colour, there's two red lines that signal 'POSITIVE'. He stares at his boyfriend, and back to the pregnancy test, and back to Gavi and so on like four times until his brain decides to let his mouth utter something.


"Oh my God, I knew it! You don't want it, right? And I don't blame you because, why would you?! We're both so young and we're just starting our careers and you're injured and still have such a bright future ahead and we aren't even entirely public-"

"Wow, wow, wow, Gavi...", and Pedri gets up from the couch to grab the omega from his shoulders to then hug him, soothing him by caressing his back slowly and letting out his pheromones to calm him down. He feels his boyfriend's body shake like a chihuahua but then it relaxes, and he finally separates to look directly into his eyes.
His deep brown eyes, that always are so expressive and are one of the most attractive traits he has in Pedri's opinion, are now all bloodshot and the omega looks on the verge of breaking down. So he hugs him again.

"Don't overthink that much, good God. What we talked about last time? That your struggles are mine and vice versa", and he gives him a kiss on top of his head. "Now, I never said or even thought about you wanting to get rid of it. I was just shocked because I thought we took care of ourselves"

"I thought so too, but then I remembered that one round during my last heat when we did it without protection", says Gavi with his face muffled into the neck of the older man.

Pedri's cheeks get red over remembering that time as well, and he exclaims "Oh, yeah. You're right. But then, what makes you think I'd get at you? It's my responsibility as well, as your boyfriend and the other parent of the fetus"

"...I don't know, you know I tend to think the worst always"

"I know", and with that he moves so he can look at Gavi's face again and leaves a chaste kiss onto his lips; now he looks a little more relaxed. He guides the omega to the couch so he can sit and leaves for a moment to search him for a glass of water. When he returns, Gavi takes the glass and drinks half of it to then leave it on the small coffee table of the living and starts picking his nails. Pedri takes his hands between his to stop him.

"Hey, are you with me?"


Pedri then smiles at him. "I planned to start a family with you, just that I didn't think it would come so soon"

Gavi's eyes open like two plates. "You wanted to start a family with me?"

"Of course I did! Honestly I can't imagine another person to be with. Be that now, tomorrow, in two months or in ten years"

"Oh, you're so cheesy!", exclaims Gavi as he covers his face with his hands in embarrassment and falls onto Pedri's lap. The older man pets his head and they both fall into a comfortable silence for a while.

"I want to keep it"

"And I respect it, it's your body after all"

"Are you truly ready to be a father?"

"Are you? I think we can pull through though, our families will be desperate to be part of that child's life"

"And what about our careers? You can continue playing but I...Xavi will kill me"

"Xavi won't kill you. Like yes, you'll get an earing and we'll get an anti-contraceptive talk by him but he won't kick you out of the team"

"Oh my God, the team!"

Pedri laughs at his boyfriend, assimilating the situation. "They'll be happy about it, don't worry. I know the day after we tell them, we will get a baby kit from Sergio on the doorstep"

"They'll love that a new catalán will be born from the club. A barça baby"

"Yeah, a barça baby"

And, just like that, they stay in the peace of their own embrace, enjoying the moment and letting their mixed pheromones invade the space and lull them into the warmth of each other.
The matters of tomorrow are matters of tomorrow.

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