CHAPTER FIVE: On the mouth of the river, on the mouth of the river

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Gavi doesn't know what time it is. He just knows it is early, way too early.

He hears the cry of his child coming from down the hall, the yelling of the baby something that wakes him up immediately. He barely opens his eyes as he gets up and walks towards the bedroom of their kid.
When he reaches it he turns on the light and walks towards the crib where the baby is moving around and crying.

"Shh, shh, my love. It's okay, it's alright. Did you have a bad dream? Or are you maybe hungry"

Gavi yawns as he rocks the child in his arms trying to calm them down, deciding to sit on the white rocking chair Robert got him from Poland so he could be more comfortable while trying to breastfeed them and make them sleep. As he unbuttons the top of his pajamas and his baby latches onto one of his breast, he looks towards the closed window of the room and notices there isn't even the light of the moon reflecting from under it.
As the kid breastfeeds, he sort of falls asleep also lulled by the movement and feeling the bond with the his child saying they're alright.
He closes his eyes for a few seconds in his head, and when he opens them again he finds that he's no loger holding them, and that his boyfriend is there, lulling the child to sleep by humming a lullaby, and once he checks they're completely asleep again he puts them down on the crib. Gavi gets up from the chair as he bottoms up his top again, and gets close the small bed to also look at their baby fondly. Pedri hugs him from behind and kisses his shoulder as they stay like that, basking in the even breathing of the kid.

"She looks just like you", says Pedri to his ear so as not to disturb.

"Poor my girl"

"Have you seen me? It's for the best she has your features"

"Well, you're handsome to me"

"You say that because you just love me"

"And isn't that enough?", ask Gavi as he turns around and surrounds the neck of the alpha with his arms. They look into each other's eyes for a few seconds, and later break it off by starting to kiss.
The kiss starts innocently, but soon it escalates and Pedri's hands are already gone under the clothes of the omega, and he's squeezing every single piece of skin he can get from the other man's chest with urgency.

"Wait, wait, I don't want another baby just after having one"

"Okay, but we still can continue this in the bedroom"

Gavi doubts for a second, but he has missed his boyfriend's embrace in a non-domestic way so much so he follows along and turns the lights off to then leave Mercedes resting quietly while they go to their bedroom to continue what they started.

And, as he loses himself in the passion of the union of their bodies, he thinks that he's the most grateful persin in the entire world. Because, even with its highs and lows, it's the best outcome his life could ever have.

He thanks every day he decided to try for La Masía that afternoon and not stay in Sevilla.

He thanks every day he decided to try for La Masía that afternoon and not stay in Sevilla

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