CHAPTER TWO: I don't want no enemies, it's the curse of a man

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Xavi is about to lose his mind. His pressure is about to go through over his head and blow the ceiling.

When Pedri sent him a text this morning asking him if he had a moment today to speak to him, he thought it was involving something related to Messi, after all it wasn't the first time the young man asked him about the supposedly return of the legend to the club.
So he told him that yes, that he waited for him after training in his office. And there he was, with Gavi in tow.
When he saw the couple come inside he already started to suspect something was off, but it wasn't until the young omega just left a plastic on top of his desk without uttering a single word, and he looked at it once to actually laugh out loud over it. He looked at the two men in front of him with humour.

"Okay, enough with the jokes. What did you have to tell me?"

At that Gavi goes hiding behind Pedri's back and the older boy looks straight into his eyes to exclaim will great confidence -and ready to anything-:

"Gavi is pregnant, and we want to keep it"

And there is Xavi right now, with his head between his hands thinking only one thing: Who will replace Gavi's spot in the team?.
The club is short of money somehow, their players get injured more than the normal and he has been trying to do what he can with the squad available while praying the fuckers at La Liga don't fuck up the signings they plan to do in the summer.

"How long are you?"

"I actually don't know, I had been feeling bad since last week and decided to take a pregnancy test two days ago to see if my intuition was correct. And it was"

"Today I called a good clinic to get an appointment with one of thier doctor. We will know tomorrow"

"Do you think you can play until June?"

"I hope so, I don't plan to stop playing until I start showing and have to take rest"

"Yes, but we still will ask the doctor if you can play full games", adds Pedri as he looks directly behind him, to Gavi.

"Yeah, yeah", says the younger boy.

Xavi looks at the exchange between the two men and sort of gets his heart full over two souls finding themselves in such security at the club that they can talk freely with him and express themselves. But also he thinks they're way too young to go through this. But then he also remembers it's sort of normal to see football players having children at such a young age. But then again he thinks about the future both have ahead.

"Okay! This is what we're going to do: you two will go to the best obstetrician in the city and get the best attention. Let them run all the tests so we can know if you and the fetus are fine. And then both of you will come here, show me all the studies and then I'll take care of talking with the board and convince them of letting you play until you start showing. And please! Don't lie to me. If the doctor says you can't play since now tell me, because I don't want to start you one game and then see you fall on the pitcht badly hurt"

"Yes", answer the two men in unison as they see their mister sort of lose his shit right then and there.

As Pedri and Gavi leave the office, Xavi now sits down and lets out a huge exhale. As he turns the chair and stares  a picture of his family he smiles and thinks that the baby his two best players will have will be the most loved in the world, because he's sure his parents will give it all for them.

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