CHAPTER THREE: I'm self-destructive and self-important, and I'm anxious

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When Pedri, Frenkie and Osamu returned to training the team was practically jumping in joy. Seeing the three men back was such a relief, everyone knowing what they bring and offer to the team and the games, after all without Pedri they wouldn't be even fighting for fifth place in the table.
As they make a human tunnel and make the men jog over it while they palm their heads they laugh, and the feeling of the place starts feeling more...relaxed.

Robert always was someone that trusted in his instincts. He was a very sensitive alpha, even if people don't think that, and he's always able to pick up the emotions of others even if they didn't notice it. And he knew Gavi very well, he practically took the young kid under his wing, advising him on how to manage himself inside the football world that wouldn't hurt him too much.
So, when he saw the omega way too near the alpha during the training, he knew something was off.
No one in the team is oblivious to the amount of flirting those two tend to do all the time, and when Pedri got injured he won't lie saying he didn't miss seeing the scene because they always made him laugh. But Gavi never was so near Pedri; the omega looked sort of lost, and Pedri would be monitoring every single movement he did like a hawk, like he didn't watch him do the same exercises dozens of times before...

"Oh my God, you're pregnant?", exclaims Robert to the entire world, without even realizing. He just stands there in the middle of the practice watching the two boys who now look like deers caught in the headlights.

"Oh no...", he hears the coach mutter behind him, and he continues to look between Gavi and Pedri looking for an answer.

"What? What's going on? What did Robert say?", asks Frenkie now intrigued as well.

And just like that, all the members of the team that were training, stop to get near the three people like old ladies gossiping on the front door of a house.

Gavi starts picking his nails, and with that Robert knows the boy is starting to suffer a crisis.

"Yes, I am", he says in a low voice, moving to hide behind Pedri, who also looks scared -he can smell it- but he won't back down if he feels his omega feels in danger.

After those words, a silence makes itself present in the practice field for a few moments and then, like if time was stopped and resumed again, all people around the three of them blow up in an uproar of yells and applauses. They take turns getting close to the young couple and hugging them, wishing them congratulations and the ones that already have experience with parenthood telling them they'll be there for them if they need any help or advice.

And then there was Robert. The polish alpha was still silent, with his green eyes looking intently to the two boys in front of him. Both Gavi and Pedri waited for it, for the reading and the angry tone because "how can you two get into such a thing now".



"Think you can take care of it?"

The question takes the omega aback but the alpha understands the tone behind it, the true meaning of the words. Do you think you can take care of  him?.

"Even if it's the last thing I do"

The older man stares at them one more second and then walks to hug them both, the scent of contentment present in their noses. When he breaks the embrace, he tells Gavi:

"Don't waste such a partner, Pablo"

And with that, Xavi blows his whistle and resumes the training, leaving the couple sort of overwhelmed but happy that everything was more smoothly than they thought.

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