Question and Answers

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You find yourself being tied up by Sun to a metal table as Moon grinned in the shadows, "what's going on?... Sun... Moon talk to me" Sun finished the last knot then lightly gripped your throat "don't you remember you broke one of our rules" Sun the squeezed a bit tighter "so now your going to be punished" Moon walked towards you eyeing you up, then he got on top of you slowly which you desperately tried to escape or at least buck him off.

Sun and Moon laughed, you started to really freak out when Moon started to lick your neck. Moon then kissed your neck up and down "g-get... get the fuck off me you fucking freak!" you shouted then Moon lifted his head and looked at you with his glowing red eyes looking pissed off "you shouldn't yell at us like that little vermin" Moon then got close to your neck "in fact I think we need to put you down" Moon then bit into your neck making you shout in pain.

When you wake up you shiver a bit from your nightmare how it felt so real, still feeling the sting on the side of your neck. As you tried to move your back feeling stiff from laying on something that clearly wasn't the queen bed you slept in before Moon knocked you out.

As you continued your attempts to move you noticed you were still rather groggy, it took you a moment to fully regain consciousness with your vision still a bit hazy. As you sat up you noticed you were back in the cage again, 'fuck' you thought to yourself.

You then heard a click you looked over by the door of the cage seeing Sun. He had a serious look on his face as he was putting a bigger lock on the cage. You lay back down in defeat 'fucking great now what are they going to do to me?' though instead of a hard surface at the bottom of the cage, your head landed on something soft.

You lifted your head and turned around to see your head was laying on a fluffy star pillow you then looked at the corner of the cage where a moon and star themed blanket was 'I must have kicked it off while I was having that nightmare' you thought to yourself.

Though as you sit up thinking about what happened yesterday with you escaping your room 'I should be getting a worse punishment than this right? I shouldn't even have a pillow or blanket in here after the stunt I pulled' you thought to yourself.

You were so confused at this as Sun was double checking the locks you reached out to him "w-wait... what's going on?" Sun frowned at you looking almost hurt "I'm sorry about this pet but, since you broke the rules you are going to be in here for the next few days" you looked at Sun with a blank stare 'what?' you thought as Sun continued "and, I hate doing this but unfortunately since this is your time out we can't play any games until your out of here" Sun said sadly. You leaned against the cage 'that's, it... a time out for breaking a rule?' your mind was both racing and a blank all at once.

You looked at Sun with an emotionless look "b-but... why...?" Sun took a step closer to your cage "why, what pet? do you have a question for me?" you bit your lip hesitating a bit "Sun... w-why are you j-just putting me in t-time out?" Sun looked at you worried "what do you mean pet?" Sun asked you looked away then back at Sun "why aren't you and Moon hurting me? yelling at me? or even telling me you're going to starve me?" you asked shaking in the cage worried how Sun would respond.

Sun looked horrified at your question "pet... me and Moon aren't thrilled about you leaving the room without our permission" Sun said fiddling with the lock on the cage "and yes when you first came to us you weren't exactly kind" you winced a bit remembering how you scratched at Sun and cursed at them repeatedly "but we would never harm our dear pet in such a manner, at least not on purpose" you leaned against the cage "right..." you said dead panned.

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