part 1

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Warnings: Abuse, age gap, language, very cliche

Summary: Reader is Bella’s friend and she starts falling for a certain doctor.

Author’s Note: I know this isn’t what anyone wanted but I wrote it anyway. -Kelsie

Word Count: 2,489


Spending the night in the hospital wasn’t how you thought your Friday night would go, yet there you were. How did you end up in this situation in the first place?

After school let out, Bella invited you to go with her and Edward to the hospital to visit his father. Once arriving at the hospital the doctor was very busy so the three of you busied yourselves with homework in the waiting room. You couldn’t remember quite why Edward needed to see his dad, but you didn’t mind waiting. Anything was better than going home.

You three spent a few hours in the quiet waiting room doing homework, and by the time you finished you felt pretty good- despite your pounding headache of course. You rubbed the sides of your head in an attempt to make the pain go away, but it didn’t work. Bella mumbled something under her breath about how you never drank enough water but you ignored her.

Edward decided that he wouldn’t keep you and Bella waiting any longer in the hospital so he stood up quickly, offering to drive you both home. It was getting dark outside already so you decided it would be a good idea. You must have stood up a little too quickly though, because the next thing you knew you were laying in a hospital bed looking up at Dr. Cullen above you.

“You’re awake,” He stated cheerfully, grabbing the clipboard at the end of your hospital bed.

“What happened?” You asked, sitting up.

“You fainted,” He said, flipping through your paperwork, “Dehydration. Luckily Edward was there to catch you or you might have ended up with a concussion as well,”

Bella was right.
“I hope you don’t mind,” He continued, “I sent him and Bella home, it was getting late,”

Late? How late? You looked over to the clock on the wall that read 10:30pm.

“Oh shit,” You gasped, throwing the wool blanket off of you, “I have to get home, it’s past curfew,”

“Slow down,” Dr. Cullen rushed to your side quickly, placing a strong hand on your shoulder, keeping you seated on the bed.

“My dad’s gonna kill me,” You said, looking up at him, “I need to leave,”

“You can,” He smiled down at you charmingly and your stomach flipped, “At least let me take the IV out of your arm first,”

He held your arm with one hand and slowly took out the IV with the other. His skin was ice cold against yours. Nonetheless, you couldn’t help but enjoy the skin-on-skin contact.

“Thank you,” You mumbled as he helped you out of the bed.

“My shift is over,” He said, watching you as you put your shoes on, “if you need a ride home?”

You glanced up at him confused. It seemed a bit inappropriate seeing as he was your doctor. It wouldn’t be too weird though, right? He was Edwards dad just trying to do you a favor. As long as you didn’t think too much about your little schoolgirl crush on him, it would be fine. You were 18 anyway.

“That’d be nice,” You smiled, trying to hide your blush.

You followed him out of the hospital and into the crowded parking lot to his car. He helped you in- which seemed a bit unnecessary to you, but you let him anyway.

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