part 3

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Warnings: mention of abuse, age gap, language, panic attack

Summary: Relationship deepens between the reader and Carlisle.

Author’s Note: My favorite part I’ve written so far :) -Kelsie

Word Count: 1,261


You didn’t see him for all of that week. Eventually Charlie sent you back home because your father was threatening to file you as a missing person.

The week after that you spent alone as well. Your bruises were almost completely gone now, with just a few still showing. You wanted to tell him, but you knew you shouldn’t. You couldn’t stop thinking about him. His hair, his eyes, his hands, his lips against your skin.

Why did he have to leave you with that?
By the third week you started to get better. That was until he showed up at the school. You were on your way to lunch when you saw him, standing by the front offices speaking to the school nurse. You froze and a sea of students continued walking past you. You hoped the crowd masked you from him but he turned anyway, immediately making eye contact with you. You spun quickly away from the cafeteria and out the front doors of the school. It took you three weeks to finally start feeling better but all of that meant nothing now. You dropped your textbooks in the wet grass as you started to hyperventilate.


His hand was on your shoulder, spinning you around to face him.

“What the hell?” You snapped, pushing his hand off of you, “Why the hell would you kiss me like that then expect me to pretend it never happened?”

“Lower your voice,” He mumbled, grabbing your textbooks from off the grass and leading you roughly to his car in the parking lot.

Once you were both sat in it he turned to you.

“Let me see your arm,” He said, reaching toward you.

“No,” You pulled away, leaning your back against the closed car door behind you, “Answer my question,”

He sighed, obviously frustrated, “I didn’t expect you to do anything,”

“Why’d you do it then?”

He looked away from you and out toward the other cars parked outside.

“I couldn’t help myself,”

The two of you sat for a moment in silence before you slowly rolled your sleeve up.

“Most of the bruises are gone,” You mumbled.

He reached over again and this time you let him take your arm to examine it.

“There’s nothing more I can do for you,” He said, letting go of your arm, “The burn will most likely be scarred on your hand for the rest of your life,”

“Great,” You mumbled, looking down.

“Do you want to go get coffee?”

You looked over at him in shock. He couldn’t be serious right now.

“So what?” You said, frustrated, “You can tell me that it’s inappropriate then ditch me at my friends house?”

“You’re mad at me,”


“What if I promise I won’t do that this time?” He gave you a coy smile.

You sighed, defeated, “Fine,”

He took you to a small cafe in town and bought you a drink. It was mostly empty considering it was 1pm on a Tuesday. The table in between the two of you was very small and his knee kept brushing against your inner thigh.

daddy issues | carlisle cullen x readerWhere stories live. Discover now