part 4

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Warnings: mention of abuse, age gap, language, alcohol

Summary: Reader and Carlisle run into the readers dad at the beach.

Author’s Note: y/f/n means “your father’s name” :) I’m glad y'all are enjoying this as much as I am lmao -Kelsie

Word Count: 1,327


A rustling came from the trees at the perimeter of the rocky beach and you instinctively stepped behind Carlisle, but it was Charlie Swan who stepped out. You forgot he often fished with your father. He was carrying a cooler- most likely filled with beer- but froze when he saw you.

“y/n!” Then he spotted Carlisle by your side, “... and Dr. Cullen?”

“Hi Charlie,” You blushed, stepping away from Carlisle awkwardly.

“What are you guys doing here?” He asked as he set the cooler down by their fishing supplies, “... together?”

“Well… I uh…” You stumbled over your words shamefully, still blushing.

“Well you see, I don’t know if her father told you or not, but y/n here fainted at the hospital last month and I told her to call me if she started feeling faint again,” Carlisle laughed charmingly, quickly cutting you off, “When she called me after school today I told her she probably needed some fresh air, but I couldn’t let her just wander off on some rocky beach alone, right? What if she had fainted again?”

Thank God for his quick thinking.
“Well that’s very considerate Doctor,” Charlie smiled then looked over at you, “Your father’s here, he’s just grabbing a few things from the truck- if you wanted to say ‘hi’?”

“Oh... no-” You started stepping away but it was too late. Emerging from the same direction that Charlie did was your father holding several bait buckets.

“Y/n?” He stopped, confused when he saw you. You watched as his eyes flickered over to Carlisle, then back to you, then to Carlisle again.

“The Hell are you doing with my daughter?”

Before Carlisle explained again, Charlie cut in, “Said she’s been feeling faint again. He was just watching out for her- making sure she got some fresh air” He smiled, but your dad still looked angry.

“Seems a bit inappropriate, don’t you think?” He dropped the buckets into the rocky sand and crossed his arms, “Some grown man walking alone with a teenage girl?”

Charlie turned to him confused, “y/f/n, it’s Dr. Cullen. And she’s 18, right? I’m sure she can handle herself,” He laughed awkwardly then stopped when he realized how mad your dad actually was.

Your father turned his attention back to you and you took another step back awkwardly.

“I think I’ll head home now,” You mumbled.

“Damn right,” He said, earning a disapproving glance from Charlie, “Think you could do that for me, Doctor? Take her home?”

“Yes sir,” Carlisle said from your left. He sounded angrier than usual, but it was quite hard for him to look menacing with his compassionate features. He spun around quickly and walked off in the opposite direction of the two fishers. You jogged awkwardly after him.

“Slow down,” You panted once the two of you were out of their eyesight. He stopped dead in his tracks and turned to face you.

“I should take you back to my house and keep you away from him forever,” He growled, frustration building up.

daddy issues | carlisle cullen x readerWhere stories live. Discover now