part 5

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Warnings: mention of abuse, age gap, language, panic attack

Summary: Reader finds something out about Carlisle

Author’s Note: I made a Spotify playlist for this series!! DM us if you want the link!! (I’d post it but my Spotify has some personal info on it so I’d rather DM it to those who want it) :) -Kelsie

Word Count: 1,063


A few weeks after the incident at the beach, you saw Charlie again as Carlisle dropped you off at the Swan’s house so you could spend the night with Bella.

“You guys sure are together a lot,” Charlie said from his driveway, watching as you stepped out of the doctors car.

“I was walking but he offered me a ride,” You lied.

“That was nice of him,”

You nodded in response and quickly grabbed your bag before wishing Carlisle good luck at his night shift at the hospital. The next few hours you and Bella spent talking on her bed. Mostly about Edward, to your dismay.

“He’s taking me to play baseball with his family this weekend,”

“I didn’t know they played baseball,” You said, trying to think about it. It seemed silly to you.

At that moment, the doorbell rang indicating that the pizza Bella had ordered arrived.

“I’ll be right back,” She said, quickly jumping out of the bed and downstairs.

As you were waiting, you looked around her room curiously. It was the same room she had when she was younger and lived in Forks, but it had changed since she moved back. You noticed a dark book sitting on her bed with a bright sticky note sticking out from the middle. Curious, you walked over to the book, opening it to the bookmarked page. On it was an unsettling drawing of a head with the caption “Cold One” underneath.

The door to the bedroom opened, indicating Bella’s return and she froze when she saw you with her book.

“What’s this?” You mumbled, transfixed by the picture on the page.

“It’s a sort of legend,” Bella said as she placed the pizza box on the bed, “They look like humans but they don’t sleep, don’t eat, don’t have heartbeats..” She trailed off as she watched you tense up suddenly.

Don’t sleep? Don’t eat? Don't have heartbeats?
You slowly looked over at her.

“What else do you know about them?”

“They’re incredibly fast, inhumanly strong, their eyes change colors,” She said, walking closer to you, “and their skin is ice cold,”

It seemed like everything was clicking into place.

Incredibly fast… ice cold skin…..
“Cold One,” You whispered, reading off of the page in front of you, “What does that mean?”

“It’s another name for vampire,”

Your stomach flipped and you rushed quickly past Bella and into her bathroom where you vomited profusely in her toilet.

“y/n what the hell?” She gasped, kneeling down to help you.

“Carlisle,” You said, gasping, “I swear to God that’s him- that’s what he is,”

Bella froze, confused.

“Yea...” She said, watching you closely, “He is… but how would you know?”

“His skin is so cold,” You mumbled, shaking slightly, “I’ve never seen him sleep- or eat…” You trailed off as your mind spiraled into a million different thoughts.

“You’ve been seeing him, haven't you?” She asked, “There’s rumors about it going around the school y'know?”

“I don’t care,” You said, standing up quickly, “I need to talk to him,”

Bella agreed to drive you to the hospital in her truck that night. You held the book close to you, your heartbeat pounding in your ears.

“y/n,” She said once the two of you pulled in front of the hospital, “you have to calm down,”

Ignoring her, you jumped out of the car quickly and went inside the bright waiting room of the hospital.

“I need to see Dr. Cullen,” You said to the secretary at the front desk.

She looked down for a second, then back up to you, “He’s in his office right now,”

You quickly rushed down to the hall and to your left, remembering where it was from the last time you were there. Opening the door quickly without knocking, you froze when you saw him. He, of course, looked the same as always, but it was different now. Now that you knew why his skin was so pale, why his eyes were so golden.

“y/n?” He questioned, standing up, “What are you doing, are you alright?”

“I know what you are,” You panted, still gripping the book in your arms. He froze.

“Did Bella tell you?”

“So it’s true then?” You could feel yourself start to shake, “That you're a vampire?”


You covered your mouth in shock as tears started to come.

“Jesus Carlisle,” You sniffed, wiping your face quickly, “What the hell?”

“I told you there were things about me that you didn’t know,” He said, stepping toward you.

You stepped away quickly backing into the closed office door.

“When you said that I thought you meant something different,” You said frantically, “This isn’t real. Vampires don’t exist,”

“Then why did you believe her?”

“Your skin is so cold,” You sniffed again, trying to stop from crying more, “You never sleep, you never eat…. oh God… do you drink blood?”

“Yes,” He tried stepping toward you again but you quickly backed away.

“I only drink animal blood,” He said, “I swear, y/n, I haven’t drank human blood in centuries,”

“Centuries,” Your breathing pace started to increase quickly, “How old are you?”

“I was born sometime in the 1640s,” He said, watching you closely, “I was turned when I was 23- that’s how old my body is,”

“I thought you were 30,”

“Well some of the people here have known me for seven years,” He explained, “They think I’m 30,”

“This is too much,” You mumbled, throwing the book down on the desk in front of you, “You’re crazy,”

“You’re smart for being scared,” He whispered, walking toward you while you had your back turned, “I’m designed as a predator, everything about me invites you in so I can kill you when I gain your trust,”

You slowly turned toward him and your heart tightened in your chest.

“You need to calm down,” He said, reaching toward you, “Control your breathing,”

You couldn’t, hyperventilating, you finally let him pull you into his embrace. He rubbed your back slowly, trying to calm you down.

“I don’t want you to be scared of me,” He whispered, burying his face in your hair, “I need you to know I’d never hurt you,”

You pulled away, pushing his arms off of you weakly.

“I can’t,” You whispered, “This is too much, I’m sorry,”

You left quickly before he could try and stop you.

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