part 2

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Warnings: mention of abuse, age gap

Summary: The readers professional relationship with Dr.Cullen gets messy.

Author’s Note: I didn’t expect people to actually read this omg 🥺 -Kelsie

Word Count: 1,126


The ceilings in his bedroom were high with a large chandelier hanging from the center. His bed was the biggest you’ve ever seen, centered in the middle of the large room right across from a grand fireplace. It looked… strange… out of place. You walked over to the bed and noticed how neat all of the pillows were placed and how there were no folds in the sheets. It looked almost unused.

“I’ll check in on you in the morning,” Carlisle said. He was standing hesitant in the doorway.

Before you could respond, he left. You hesitated before finally taking your shoes off and crawling under the neat sheets of the bed. To your disappointment, the sheets didn’t smell like his cologne which only furthered your theory that it was unused. So where did he sleep? Exhaustion hit you fast and you fell asleep before you could think more about it.


The next morning you were woken up by light streaming through the trees just outside the tall windows. You forgot where you were for a moment, thinking last night was just some weird fever dream before you realized that you were, in fact, in your doctor’s bed. You sat up quickly, forgetting about your bruised arm before wincing at the pain.

As if on cue, the door of the bedroom opened slowly and Carlisle walked in.

“Everything okay?”

He was wearing the same clothes he was last night, and you couldn’t help but wonder if he slept at all that night.

“I pushed myself up with my bad arm,” You mumbled, cradling it.

He knelt by the side of the bed and reached over you to check the bruises. He very carefully unwrapped your bandages. You didn’t want to see the wounds again so instead you watched his focused expression. He must have felt you watching you because he looked up at you and smiled.

“Oh my god,” You gasped suddenly, turning to the alarm clock on the side table next to the bed, “It’s Monday! I have school,”

He held you down when you tried jumping out of the bed, still holding your bruised arm exposed in his free hand.

“I excused you,”

“How?” You asked, watching as he rebandaged your wounds.

“I’m your doctor,” He mumbled, still focused on rebandaging, “You don’t have to go to class today,”

He stood up once he finished, then watched as you also got out of the bed.

“I want to take you somewhere,” He said, handing you your shoes.

You didn’t question it as you quickly put your shoes on. You were just grateful that you didn’t have to go home yet.

The two of you got back into his car and he started driving deeper into the forest.

“Are there other houses out here?” You asked, looking out into the deepness of the trees that never seemed to end.


He drove off of the main road and down a bumpy trail. You couldn’t help but worry about his nice car getting ruined in the mud of the trail, but he didn’t seem to care. The car stopped once the trail became too small to drive on.

“We’ll have to walk the rest,” He said, turning toward you, “If you don’t mind,”

“I don’t,”

You should have. You recognized the fact that you felt far too comfortable around him even though you barely knew him. Not to mention the fact that it was extremely inappropriate. He was your doctor.

You got out of the car anyway and followed him deeper through the rough trail and into the sea of trees. Every once in a while there would be a rock or log in the way on the trail and he’d grab your hand to help you over. You grew up hiking in the pacific northwest so you didn’t need his help, but you let him nonetheless.

Finally the two of you reached an opening with a viewpoint. Judging by the overgrown plants around the concrete fence, you assumed it was abandoned.

You leaned over the concrete railing and looked down to the rushing water below. Across the small river was more hills of trees. Clouds hid the sun from the sky and fog set over the tops of the hills making it look rather eerie, but it was beautiful nonetheless.

“This is insane,” You mumbled, still in awe of the view.

“People forgot this viewpoint existed,” Carlisle said from you right, “It became too hard to get to,”

You looked up at him to see him watching you closely.

“It’s beautiful,” You whispered. You wanted to pull your eyes away from his golden ones and back to the view, but couldn’t. A small smile formed on his face and he looked away. You finally pulled your eyes away from him and and looked back out over the river.

“Would you tell me if I made you uncomfortable,” He mumbled, stepping toward you slightly.

You looked back over at him, confused. You would’ve been uncofmortable if it wasn’t for you stupid crush on him. Part of you wanted to step away, it was too inappropriate, but you stayed frozen in place. He reached over and trailed his hand down your waist slowly to your hips, pulling you closer. You wanted to say something, but you were finding it rather hard to breathe.

“I’m not uncomfortable,” You finally got out, watching him closely.

To your dismay, he pulled his hand away.

“I deeply admire you,” He said, looking down, “but I shouldn’t act on my feelings... it’s inappropriate,”

He turned away quickly walking back through the trees to his car. You were frozen in place before finally jogging after him.

“Carlisle,” You grabbed his hand and stopped in your tracks which caused him to stop as well, “I really like you,”

His hand fidgeted in your grip and you let go.

“I’ll drive you to Bella’s,” He said, opening the drivers side door of his car, “Charlie will keep you safe,”

You reluctantly climbed in beside him. The car ride was silent and you tried to keep your emotions bottled, not wanting to cry in front of him. It had gone too far, right? Your relationship with him had to stay professional. Once you pulled up to Bella’s house he helped you get your bag and out of the car.

You turned toward him awkwardly taking your bag. The two of you stayed facing each other silently for a moment before he cupped your face gently with his hand and kissed your forehead. You could feel your tears start to well up as he pulled away and got back into his car without a word.

He drove off before you even started walking toward the door.

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