Time to over throw the queen

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The class went silent as I smirked then scanned the room of my class as they all stared and their jaws were dropped, hearing whispers spreading across the room.

"Well this is an unexpected surprise miss Potrove nice to have you back" he smiled
"Ahem.. now class we have a new student some of you may know her so give her a very warm welcome to Rose" he said gesturing to introduce myself.

"Oh umm I don't know what to really say but I'm glad I'm back at school hoping I can remember some of you and i hope we won't have any problems " I smiled ugh I sound so sophisticated I think i had too much posh meetings , the class just sat there still shocked as the whispering continued while I scan the room again until my eyes caught on one person I wouldn't expect here. Elena what is she doing here!? My eyes glared as she made eye contact with me and smirked as the class went louder and that's when something I would never think would happen like EVER!? She held her hand up making the class shut up as my eyes widened seeing she might of changed things. What do you mean might of changed things she did change things.

"Yes Elena do you have a question?" Sir said as I was getting annoyed with her presence.

"Sir how can Rose have missed all these exams we have and still pass them a without trying shouldn't she be in a lower class by now?" She said with her bitchy voice as the whole class gasped probably she's forgetting who I am . yeah my bitch mode is on ready for war.

"Elena don't be rude" sir said as I smirked

"Sir it's okay she's right but she's clearly just misunderstood and dumbfounded of what I have been doing and missing school for"

"And what would that might be ? " She said looking her her manicured nails.

"Oh that I actually have a job a house a collection of cars that you would dream of but you can't get and having your favourite stars on your room walls sitting there adoring them as I enjoy actually meeting them as u just casually just sit here complaining .why am I in the low class haha funny thing is your the only low class here" the whole class started to gasp and cheer for my comeback as I smirk with pride feeling like those bitches who are bragging about them selves. Well sometimes you gotta be one to defend your self. Elena sat there with her little weird glare looking speechless as I smiled.

"Alright girls that's enough, Rose you can sit next to Jeremy at the back, Jeremy raise your hand " I saw his hand slowly put up making me smile as I walk over to him as he looked nervous with his goofy glasses and gelled hair looking very sophisticated.

"Class get back to work" he said as the chatter started resuming as I faced Jeremy.

"Hey nice to meet you Jeremy" I smiled putting my hand out for a handshake as he shook it while he smiled showing his blue braces.

"Hey ! I can't really believe your really sitting next to me your like super famous and what you did to the queen of the school was awesome nice comeback" he smiled happily, pushing his glasses back up.

"Well - wait what!?queen?" I questioned

"Yeah she's like this clique queen from mean girls that movie"

"Wow so she thinks she can control everything"

"You know her?"

"Yes it was ages ago,i kinda made her leave but she came back .. Unfortunately "

"Well ever since iv'd moved here it dose not seem different to my old American school" he said as I realised he had a hint of American accent, well maybe I've been around Americans for too long but not saying it's a bad thing no.

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