Is it too late to say sorry

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( Justin bieber vs Christina Aguilera - sorry)- song^^^^^^^^🎶🎶🎶^^^^^^^
I woke up seeing the bed empty but a note was left.

"Sorry I left early , I had to go to work , have a nice day ya sexy thang ;) " it said as I laughed smirking then  falling back to bed as I look up to the ceiling. Thinking what to do now , I quickly have a shower and come out looking in the mirror seeing all these photos of me and Alex. tear falls upon my face as I clench my fist , taking all the things that reminded me of him putting them in a big box , labelling it   |-ALEX-|
I breathe , but all of a sudden start to shake feeling something gripping my hand , feeling more calm.

"Goodbye Alex" I said leaving it in my attic.
I walk through the doors of the record company , as they all went quiet and all you could hear is whispering until all the workers stood up clapping for me.

"Well well guess who's back , miss making more music ?? I see " my manager smirks as He stood in front of me.

"Oh yes , and ready to hit the charts again" I smirk.

"You broke my heart into a million pieces , you can never mend a torn heart when your the reason why it's all shattered" I sang my new song bobbing my head to the composed music , feeling piano keys through me. The music stops as my manager claps making me smile.

"Where did all this energy come from?"

"Just been getting a lot of ideas over the past few months , i wanted to get my head clear of school drama"

"Told you , you would come back " he said as I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up, Mark " I giggle

"Let's go have some Starbucks ,my shout , we have some catching up to do " He said as I nodded. We walked out side the building where a swarm of photographers come out of no where. Asking questions.

"ROSE! What happened between you and Alex ? Getting back on to your career ? How was your long break? " they were all asking questions until I remembered Alex can see this on tv.

"He had a head injury and can't remember much but now he's moved on to another girl when I was still with him, but what can you say ,things r meant to happen for a reason and  yes I'm going back in business" I said as I walked into my car seeing all the flashes of cameras through the window as I drive away.

"Too much Intel don't you think Rose?"

"I'm not in the mood Mark"

"What's the matter ???? Did Alex hurt you? That bad , I thought you would be stronger than this"

"I am but this guy is special , he's been in my life the longest , until that day where everything went wrong , it's all my fault"

"Why don't we go to my place and talk about it if you want to "

"Nah , I'm fine I just want to get work sorted and my career back on board"

"Are you sure Rose "

"Yes I'm sure"

"Even its 7:30pm right now and we just did like three - four hours of work and you said you were going to go Starbucks?" 

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