Chapter One

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Authors Note: I will be writing from Olivia's point of view if for whatever reason this is to change I will give a disclaimer! If anything gets spicy there will be a warning.

Olivia's POV
BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Ugh. I groan as I open my eyes and turn off my alarm. First day of school. Oh joy. Don't get me wrong I don't hate school it just isn't it. It's not like I'm a loner or anything I have a ton of friends I just would much rather be at a park getting high with Marcus or Brodie. After twenty minutes of lying in bed I decide to finally get up and shower. As I'm getting dressed and I put on a cute cropped white t shirt and some jeans, I get a text from Marcus.

MARCUS: heya stranger
ME: what do you want lmao
MARCUS: a hot ride to school
ME: literally shut up. also can't you just get your own ride with Max?
MARCUS: yeah I guess I could but I'd rather hang with a hottie like yourself
ME: as flattered as I am Marcus, I don't have a car yet. So I might be hitching a ride with Abby. Also are we just gonna continue flirting even though we've been broken up for like 3 months? How does Padma feel abt that?
MARCUS: ok. Padma isn't my girlfriend or anything we're just friends who do stuff.
ME: sneaky link?
MARCUS: I suppose so.
ME: okie dokie lol see ya at school
MARCUS: ok adios
I laugh as I put my phone down. Marcus is one of my best friends, he also happens to be the first person I ever fell in love with. We broke up right before the start of summer due to certain differences. But we remain great friends and sometimes fuck buddies. Shit. I forgot to ask Abby if she can give me a ride to school. Abby's my neighbor.
ME: abs can u give me a ride to school?
ABBY: yessir
ME: great thank you so much
ABBY: no problem be there in like 10.
ME: 👍🏻
I head downstairs and grab my backpack and put on my converse. I look outside and see my dad isn't home. I wonder if he came home at all last night or is out getting drunk. I see my mom at the table eating some toast, looking miserable.
"Hey, Mom are you alright" I ask worriedly
"Huh? Oh yeah sweetie I'm fine" I internally groan because she definitely isn't fine but whatever. I give her a kiss on the cheek and head outside where Abby's waiting for me.
" Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna hop in?"
Abby's voice breaks me from my thoughts. I smile and nod. And get into the passenger seat.

Authors note:
Hi everyone! This is my first shot at writing an actually good Abby Littman story! I absolutely love Abby and I feel like the show hasn't really done her justice! The updates should come pretty regularly but if for whatever reason I can't update I'll send out a message! Please let me know any feedback or constructive criticism you may have!

When our worlds come crashing down//Abby LittmanWhere stories live. Discover now