Chapter Four

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While I wait for Abby to get here, I decide to clean up my room a little bit. I put away some books and clothes that were strewn across my floor and soon enough Abby texts me.
ABBY: here
ME: be down in a sec

I rush down the stairs and open up the front door for Abby. She's wearing a pair of red and black pajama pants with a red sweater. I help her carry her backpack and clothing upstairs for the morning. Once we're in my room I lock the door and put down her stuff in my pink beanbag chair. Abby gives me a hug and we sit in silence on my bed for around ten minutes before one of us says anything. Abby breaks the silence by coughing. "Ew. Abby you're gonna spread your pathogens to me." Abby rolls her eyes and sighs dramatically, "Olivia I'm not spreading my pathogens to you. I have allergies." "I doubt that"I respond. She laughs "God Liv you're such a germaphobe". I utter a fake hurt gasp before laughing and agreeing. "What do you wanna do?" I ask. Abby shrugs, "I want to cuddle and watch Dance Moms." I grin at this a grab my laptop and open Hulu. We both love Dance Moms with a burning passion. When we were in elementary school we both did dance classes with Max and Norah. "Which season do you want?" Abby thinks for a moment before replying "One." I nod and play the first ever episode. We end up watching two episodes before we both get antsy and bored. At this point it's midnight and we both know we should go to bed. I decide to go brush my teeth and Abby says she needs to brush hers as well so we walk to my bathroom which is right down the hall.

After I'm done brushing my teeth I rinse out my mouth with some water and wash my face. I tell Abby I'm gonna go get changed and she nods mumbling something about how she needed to pee. I get to my room and put on a pair of black booty shorts and an oversized Lilo & Stitch shirt. Abby gets back and grabs her own black booty shorts and puts on a Barbie tank top. I smile at the shirt knowing that Max have that to her as a gag gift last Christmas and that Abby actually really likes the shirt. We hop into my bed and I pull up the checkered blue and black comforter over us as Abby puts her phone on the charger.

"Thank you"

Abby looks confused. "For what?" "For always being here when the others aren't" Abby smiles at this notion and snuggles into my side and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Anytime Livie" We say goodnight and drift off to sleep.

I wake up to someone kicking me in my side. I'm really confused for a moment until I remember Abby's sleeping beside me. I grab my phone and check the time. 5:21. Too early to get up. I usually get up around 6:00. Knowing I won't be able to fall back asleep I decide to get up and take a shower. I tiptoe out of the room and into my bathroom. I grab a navy blue bath towel from the bathroom closet and turn on the water. As I wait for it warm up I find myself thinking about my Dad and how much he's changed over the years. I quickly remind myself not to dwell on it. Once I finish washing up. I grab my towel and walk back to my room.

I walk over to my mahogany dresser and pull out a pair of ripped up jeans and a black crop top that shows quite a bit of cleavage. I grab a blue thong and a lacy white bra. As I begin to dry off and put on my underwear, I hear Abby stirring. I decide to ignore it and continue getting dressed. "Damn, Liv take me out to dinner first why don't you" I spin around and see a now awake Abby staring at me. I laugh, "didn't think you were awake yet Littman" "Well I am know and boy do I feel lucky" I giggle "Lucky? Why cause my tits are out?" "Yes" she deadpans. I brush it off as a joke and put on my bra. "Seriously, Liv you're actually so hot." "Uh, thanks Abs" it's silent for a moment. "Boy Baker is really missing out" I cringe. "Sorry I didn't mean to hit a nerve." I shake my head. "No you're fine. It's fine." "Clearly it isn't Liv."

"What's wrong?" She asks concerned. I shrug. "Our breakup was so unexpected. I mean don't get me wrong it was mutual and for sure the best decision but I still miss having him as my boyfriend." Abby nods, thinking for a moment. "That's valid. Why'd you two even break up anyway?" I wince. "He got really depressed so much to the point where I was worried he'd hurt himself and I started isolating myself because of my parents. So breaking it off romantically and just being there for each other platonically was the best decision for both of us." Abby nods, "I'm proud of you for that" I smile and give her a hug. "Alright let's stop with all this depressing stuff." Abby agrees and decides to put on clothes she grabs a pair of navy overalls with a striped shirt for underneath. We head downstairs and put on our shoes, I grab my red converse and Abby grabs a pair of black ones. We walk over to her driveway and get in Abby's blue Subaru and begin our drive to school.

Authors note:
Yay! We dug a little deep this chapter! The romance between Abby and Liv will definitely start up soon! I am planning on writing a smut chapter later in the book and there might be a few flashbacks to when Liv and Marcus were together! Thanks for reading!
- Ava

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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