Chapter Three

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I sigh and Abby turns to me and gives me a sympathetic look. "Do you want to go to my house instead?" I nod. We back out of the driveway and drive the extra eight feet to her driveway. Once we've parked in her garage we head inside. Her mom greets us in the kitchen, "Hi girls!" "Hey mom" Abby replies politely as I wave. "Do you girls want a snack of some sort?" We both nod. "I just bought these awesome Greek yogurts if you girls want to try them!" she says very enthusiastically. Abby just laughs and grabs a bag of pretzels. I thank her for the offer as we head upstairs to Abby's room. Once we're in her room, Abby closes to door. "What do you wanna do first? Homework or a movie?" "Neither" I respond and Abby cocks her head at me looking confused. "We'll, then what do you want to do instead?" I shrug and she rolls her eyes. "Bullshit, I know you have something in mind"  I shrug once more and Abby yells " If you shrug your shoulders one more time at me I swear I will send you to Norah's." I fake pout and sarcastically say "Not Auntie Norah's please please, I don't want to see Jordan and her fucking in a bathtub" Abby bursts into laughter and shoves me.

Once we stopped laughing Abby decides to just turn on a show instead of a movie so we're watching Euphoria. I watch as Abby swoons over Fez. I don't know why that bothers me. Like Fez is hot. I get it but for some reason I can't get over why Abby likes him. I really shouldn't talk because I'm doing the exact same thing. We watch two more episodes before I get a text from my mom asking where I am.
MOM: Olivia Rose. Where are you? It's almost 8:30.
ME: I'm next door with Abby.
MOM: I want you home for dinner.
ME: I'm not hungry.
MOM: Too bad. The Littman's probably want to be able to eat a family dinner as well. So you have fifteen minutes to get your butt home, young lady.
ME: ok whatever.

"My mom wants me too go home" I say. Abby pouts and asks "can't you at least just stay for dinner?" I shrug. "She wants to have a family dinner for some reason." "Oh." "Yeah." I grab my stuff and give Abby a tight hug before I leave and head to my house.

I walk in through the back door to see my little brother Logan on the floor doing a puzzle. I say a quiet hello and he nods. Logan has autism, so his communication skills aren't always the best. I walk to the mud room and kick off my shoes and dump my backpack. Then I quickly run upstairs and put on some comfier clothes. I grab some pink and purple flannel pj pants and an old paint stained blue t shirt. I sit at my desk watching YouTube videos until my mom calls me down for dinner. I groan but begin to walk down the stairs and to my surprise my dad is sitting at the head of the table smiling and chatting away with Logan about Logan's new Star Wars Lego set. I take my seat next to my mom. I notice that we're eating spaghetti with meatballs for dinner again. I get up and pour myself a glass of apple juice and I get one for Logan to drink as well.

Dinner was quiet. Too quiet. After we all sat down the chatter about the legos simmered down and we all ate in silence. I know my parents are considering a divorce. I'm kind of rooting for it to happen. Don't get me wrong I love both of my parents but my dad is an alcoholic who won't admit he needs help and my mother is an overworked neurosurgeon basically being a single mother to Logan and I. I know they're trying to make it work for Logan since it would mess with his routine if they separated however, them staying together isn't working that well so far. Most nights dad spends at the country club bar or at Blue Farm getting drunk. When he's not drunk, he's working. As for my mom she tries to take days off to be with us but it's hard considering how demanding her job is. So most nights for dinner I either stay home with Logan and make us grilled cheese sandwiches or we both go next door and eat with the Littmans. Abby's parents have been very kind about it but I can see they're losing there patience. So I've started staying home more with Logan. Abby doesn't mind though, I'm fact she usually prefers it when I'm over at her place. She's also great with Logan. They bond over Legos and Harry Potter stuff. It's really sweet. Abby's an only child so I think she kind of sees Logan as the little brother she never had.

Once dinner ends, Logan goes to watch Harry Potter in his room and Dad heads to his office to work. I help my mom clean up from dinner before I head up to my room and text Abby.
ME: Abby.
ABBY: Liv.
ME: I miss you. It's lonely over here. Dad's in his office downstairs working and Mom's just numb, so I can't really talk to her.
ABBY: Do you want to sleepover?
ME: Can you come over here instead?
ABBY: Um idk let me ask my Mom.
ME: okay
ABBY: She says yes!
ME: great text me when you get here.
ABBY: will do

Authors note:
That's the end of this chapter! I'm kind of steering away from some of the main plot points of season 1 but don't worry the important stuff will still pop up! And their will soon be some MANGO hangouts to happen! How do you guys like Liv? Do you want to see more of her and Abby? Let me know about your feelings on Marcus and Olivia!
- Ava

When our worlds come crashing down//Abby LittmanWhere stories live. Discover now