Chapter Two

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Authors note: welcome to part 2! Idk where this is gonna go hahaha but I'm trying not to make it slow burn.
Olivia's POV
I tilt my head towards Abby as we start to drive away, she giggles. "What's so funny" I ask. She laughs "Nothing you're just cute". I laugh and turn the music up. We're listening to Abby's playlist which is currently playing Hayloft by Mother Mother. "I didn't know you liked this song" I say curiously "I don't" she quips back. I give her a confused look, "Then why on Earth is it on your playlist", Abby simply just shrugs as we pull into the parking lot of our high school. "Thanks for the ride Abigail". "No problem, Livie"

We walk into school and see Max and Norah waiting for us in the hallway. They wave us over. "Hiiiiiii" Max says loudly as Abby and I make our way over. I laugh "Hey Max! Oh did Marcus ever end up finding a ride to school?" she bursts into laughter and nods "Bus" she laughs out and I giggle. Marcus despises riding the bus. Like actually hates it for no other reason than that it makes him feel like a little kid. We walk around the school for a little before we separate to head to our different English classes. Abby and Norah head to regular English while Max and I make our way to AP English with Mr. Gitten. We both had him for English last year and he was a total nightmare. Once we're all seated Gitten introduces a new student some girl named Virginia? I'm not really sure she looks kind of nervous. I disregard it until she raises her hand. Gitten calls on her and she argues with him about the syllabus being totally racist and how she was confident in taking the dumb pop quiz on the Crucible. I let out a laugh at how angry Mr. Gitten looks. Max jumps in and says she has period cramps and something about internal ideologies. I laugh and soon enough it seems like class is over. Max walks over to introduce herself to Virginia who I've learned goes by Ginny. While she walks with her, I find Hunter our mutual friend who also happens to be in our English class. We make our way down to the cafeteria and sit at our usual table with all of our friends.

I sit across from Abby next to our friend Press who's a total douchebag. Soon after I've sat down, Max comes over with Ginny and introduces her to everybody. Hunter seems to have eyes for her. After about five minutes Max abruptly decides that she wants to go off campus and get tacos with Ginny. As they leave I give Abby and Norah a confused look and they both just shrug it off.

After school Max and Ginny go to the Baker's house because apparently Hunter asked Ginny on a date? Norah went to go hang out with her boyfriend, Jordan. So Abby and I decide to go get coffee and muffins from Blue Farm before heading back to my house to study and watch some movies. I meet Abby in the parking lot so we can get in her car and drive over to Blue Farm. "Hey Liv" "Hey Abs" I respond cheerfully. We get in her car and begin to drive away. "Hey Abby, can we listen to my playlist this time?" Abby rolls her eyes but nods making me squeal. She laughs and says "But it better not suck" now it's my turn to roll my eyes because when has my music ever sucked? Never. I plug in my phone and turn on Matt Corby's Miracle Love. Abby smiles because this is one of our all time favorite songs. We both smile and sing along. Once we get to Blue Farm we head in to order. Joe's standing at the cash register trying his best not to look grumpy and exhausted. I end up ordering a vanilla latte and Abby orders a chai tea. After we get our coffee we leave and head over to my house. My excitement quickly fades when we pull into my driveway and I realize my dad's home.

I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! I really liked how it turned out! As you've probably noticed the plot is half of what actually happened in the first season and half made up my myself! I'm so excited to be bringing Olivia to life and giving Abby a good storyline! I think I might do some chapters from Abby's point of view! As always let me know what you thought of the chapter!
- Ava

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