Chapter 7

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Its the day before the full moon, im horny as fuck, i always get horny before the full moon, its not like ohhhhh nooooo im alone with a boy horny its more like IF I DON'T GET A DICK IN MY PUSSY I WILL DIE! Horny and its like the worst time to be horny right now, we sit in Potions class, i have been trying to get Snapes attention the whole class but he just ignores me fkn bitch,

"Profesor?" I ask, he don't even look at me, but the whole class do, "Profesooooooor!" I say still no response, "Snappeeeeeee" STILL NO GOD DAMN RESPONSE! "PROFESOR!" I yell, he look up from his desk, "Thank you, can i go to the bathroom?" I ask, he nods, i quickly get up and leave the classroom, im not going to the bathroom but back to the dorm, i lay down on my bed with my pillow over my head, i scream into the pillow, i hate full moons, someone knocks on the door,

"Come in" I say still with the pillow over my head,

"Miss Black, what are you doing?" I move the pillow and see Lupin,

"Oh you" I mumble, "Don't you have a class to teach?"

"Not right now, remeber to meet me at 10 pm tomorrow night okay?" He say 

"Yea" I mumble, 

"Are you okay?" He asks,

"Nooooooooo" I answer and take the pillow over my head again,

"The same as always?" He asks,


"Just one more day, then it will be over, i will go" He say and leave me, i start screaming into the pillow again,

"ARE YOU OKAY IN THERE?!" Someone yells from the hallway, i stop screaming and walk over to the window, i look at my phone, its 3 pm, the school ends in an hour, i sit down in the window and look out, theres not much to see but its alright, some owls comes flying, i smile as i see them, i love owls.

1 hour later.

"Are you okay Y/n?" Pansy asks,

"Yea" I mumble, i don't want her to know that im a werewolf, it have been fucking hard to hide sometimes i think she's about to find out,

"Your always so wired when its about to become full moon" She say and laugh a little,

"Sorry" I mumble,

"Why are you always so wired when it comes to a full moon?" She asks,

"I don't know" I answer and get up from the window,

"We should do something fun tomorrow, u know its a friday!" She say excited,

"Um tomorrow, sorry i can't gotta meet up with my dad" I lie, i hate lying to her!

"You don't talk with your dad" She says and look at me confused,

"I- um he wanted to meet" I mumble,

"Y/n are you lying to me?" She asks,

"Im not" I whisper,

"You have been my best friend since first year, i know that your lying right now" She say with an angry tone,

"Fine, yes im lying" I answer, she looks at me confused and angry, "Felling better now?" I ask her annoyed,

"Why the fuck are you lying to me?!" She asks and walk over to me with angry steps,

"I can't tell you" I answer while looking away,

"You can't or you wont?!" Shit, that girl knows me so well,

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