Chapter 23 pt. 3

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My old best friend just cursed me.

Tears are storming out of my eyes, how could she? We have been best friends since first year, we have done everything together.

We got high together, drank together, cried, laughed, going to class, talking about boys, going shopping. Everything, and this is how it ends? With her cursing me.

Madam Pomfrey runs over to me and starts mumbling spells to help the pain go away. Mattheo comes running too,

"Are you okay!?" He asks hugging me tight,

"N-no" I whisper and cry into his shirt,

"It's gonna be okay, i'm here" He whispers in my hair.

I look up seeing deatheaters leaving. The war is over, we won. But was it worth it? We lost many great people, Dad, Remus, Tonks, Fred, Lavender and ofcourse Theo.

I get up from the floor with Mattheo and look around, all thoes people fought for our share home, Hogwarts, we won together, we lost togther and now we will grive together.

Theres dead people all over the place, people are crying and talking low.

So many have lost their friends, family and teachers.

I grab Mattheos arm as a sharp pain form in my stomach,

"What's wrong?" He asks me confused, i feel something wet run down my leg so i of course look, it's blood, think dark red blood, "Y/n what is going on!?" He asks looking at the blood too.

I scream out loud and fall to the floor, the pain is unbearable, madam Pomfrey quickly runs over to me again,

"Let's get you to the hospital wing" She says with a worried look, Mattheo quickly picks me up and starts running after madam Pomfrey.

As we get to the stairs to the hospital wing we see that they are broken,

"Miss Black you have to listen very clearly, you are having a miss carrige, it's gonna be okay but we have to find a place you can give birth"

As she says that it feels like my whole world stopped 

"W-what?" Mattheo asks,

"I'm so sorry for you two but theres nothing we can do" Madam Pomfrey answers laying her hand on my shoulder,

"T-there must be  something" I say low trying to ignore the growing pain,

"I'm so sorry" Madam Pomfrey answers with tears in her eyes.

I shut my eyes from the pain as i hold tighter to Mattheo,

"Come on mr. Riddle" Madam Pomfrey says leading us to an empty classroom, Mattheo softly lays me down on a table, "This will hurt a lot" Madam Pomfrey says as she removes my skirt and panties.

I just lay and stare up in the cealing, my baby is dead, Mattheo's baby is dead, our little one, we will never get to meet it.

Never get to hold it in our arms, never sing songs, never tell stories, or play on the floor or go horse rideing.

"Miss Black i need you to push when i say push" Madam Pomfrey tells me. I don't wanna push, i don't want our baby to be dead.

I couldn't protect it, it died inside of me, did i kill it?


I don't do it. I can't get myself to it,

"Miss Black" Madam Pomfrey says in a soft tone, "I know it's hard, but we have to get it out of you, now push"

I do as shse says and push hard. I scream out loud in pain, as i scream the door opens,

"Oh dear girl" McGonagall says and runs over to me, she quickly grabs the hand Mattheo don't hold


four more pushes and the baby is out, instad of the normal screaming from the child and the congratsalations from the people, there is totally silence.

No one says anything, the only thing you can hear is my soft cries,

"I'm so sorry dear girl" McGonagall says low while softly stroking my hand.

Mattheo get's up from his chair and leave the room, on his way out i see him wipe a tear away,

"I-i don't feel so good" I whisper low, my head starts spinning, my sight starts to blur,

"Deep breaths, what is wrong?" Madam Pomfrey asks,


I open my eyes and feel pain in my stomach, i look around and see i'm in a hospital bed, i quickly get up and walk out on the corridor.

Theres a little girl crying,

"Heeeey kido, what's wrong?" I ask her as i kneel down infront of her,

"M-my mother d-died" She answers with tears streaming down her face,

"You know what?" I ask her, she looks up at me,


"Today i just lost my father and my kid, i know how you feel, but don't let them see you cry" I answer bringing my hand to her face and softly wiping her tears away,

"Y-you seem so f-fine" She says snobbing hard,

"I have lost many people in my life, that's a part of life, and i bet your mother is a better place now" I say looking her in her beautiful green eyes,

"Y-you think?"

"I don't, i know it, she will watch over you every single day" I answer with a little sad smile, "I bet she really loved you and still does"

The girl is about to answer as we get interuptet,

"Come on Robin, we have to go" A young man says, probably Robin's father,

"I guess this is goodbye" I say low, "Remember, shin so bright it burns their eyes" I whisper,

"What do you mean?" She asks,

"One day you will understand" I say and stand up, but groan in pain,

"Are you okay?" Robin asks me,

"Yea, i'm fine" I say and send her a smile, she then runs into my arms and hugs me,

"Goodbye nice girl" She says into my stomach,

"Goodbye Robin" I answer with a small smile.

As i'm about to leave i fall to the ground,

"Woah, are you okay?" Robins dad asks as he help me up,

"I-i'm fine" I answer and lean up at the wall,

"May i ask what happened to you?" He asks looking at my face and arms, he looks alot at the dark mark,

"U-um i was i-in a fight and then---" As i'm about to tell him something in me tells me to shut up, "Nothing, i was in a fight"

"I feel like i have seen you before"

"You might or you might not"

"What's your name?" He asks,

"Y/n Black" I answer, 

"Y-your Y-Y/n Black!?" Robin asks me with big eyes,

"I am" I tell her, without a word the man hugs me,

"I'm so sorry for what happened to you" He says breaking the hug, i guess he's a wizard,

"I-i better go" I say and quickly leave them.


A kinda short chapter but i'm tired but i felt like i should update.

I swear thanks to everyone who reads this book! I'm so fucking happy about it!

I will try to update 3-4 times a week 1-2 chapters each time. 

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