Chapter 11

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It have been two days since i was in the liberly with Harry, i have stayed in my room ever since, i don't wanna face them, it's too embarising.

The other students are coming back to the school today, i miss Pansy so im glad that she's coming back, even if it was nice to have Mattheo for myself and the dorm for myself but i still miss her.

"Y/n come on you gotta go to the feast" Mattheo says,

"I don't want to" I answer and turn my back to him,

"Come on angel" He says and sit on my bed,

"I don't fell like it, just go without me"

"Y/n you have been in here for two days, you need to get out a bit"

"I don't wanna face Harry" I mumble low,

"I know, but you can't stay in your dorm forever, you have 5 days left so you better get going"

"Fine" I mumble and get up, i go over to my closet and find an outfit,

"You look good, now lets go" He say and drag me with him up to the greathall

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"You look good, now lets go" He say and drag me with him up to the greathall. When we are close we can hear the loud laugher from all the students. We quickly walk over to the Slytherin table as we find the others,

"Omggggg babes!" Pansy says and hugs me, i give her a short hug and sit down,

"How have you guys been?" I ask them,

"I had a greath break!" Pansy says,

"Mine was alright" Theo says,

"Yea same" Draco says,

"Good to hear" I answer,

"What about you two?" Theo asks,

"It was fine" I answer not wanting to tell them about it, it sucked, im glad everyone is back, then it will be easier to avoid Harry. I turn around and look at the Gryffindor table, Harry, Hermione and Ron are looking worried at me, probably because last time they saw me i was kidnapped by two death eaters,

"Y/n eat!" Mattheo says, i turn back to them,

"Yea sure sorry" I mumble and start eating, after the first few bites i realise how hungry i am,

"You're acting wired Y/n, is something wrong?" Theo asks, i shake my head in a no,

"Im alright" I answer and send him a smile,

"If you say so" He mumbles and starts eating,

"Y/n?" Someone asks behind me, i turn around and see Harry, Hermione and Ron, i quickly stand up,

"Oh shit is the clok that many, sorry guys i gotta go" I say and run out of the greathall, i run down to the libary, it's so clam and silence, i drop down in a couch and just sit and wait until i hear students voices, that must meen that the feast is over. I get up and walk out of the libary,

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