hootys moving hassle

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we were at the owl house witnessing a very serious hexes holdem match between eda and owlbert edas card suddenly ate owlberts card which i assumed means she won because words appeared saying she won the match

"ha in your cute adorable face! winning feels fuzzy?" eda says jumping up suddenly a bunch of feathers started the sprout from her arms 

"uh oh kids could you get a potion from my chest?" i don't want to move around a lot eda says sitting down we quickly go over to eda elixir chest but when we open it there were no elixirs

"uh mom bad news there's no more elixirs" i say turning around nervous 

"well that's just great cmon we have to go to the market now" eda says putting a cloak on before walking outside we follow as eda gets on her staff with luz and king i make my abomination staff (I've decided to call it a staff now as while it isn't fully one it definitely looks more like one) and wings spruout from the front clump of good similar to owlbert it works just like a regular staff as I've been practicing for the past few days with it

"your really getting the hang of that isa nice job" eda says flying next to me in the air

"thanks mom I'm glad i can actually fly on my own staff so were all not crowded on the back of yours" 

"yeah that was a good idea on now lets land were here see that shop that says mortons elixirs? that's our stop "eda says pointing to a small shop in the market we land and luz goes to a nearby bench with king while i stay with eda at the shop

"morton open up its important!" eda says banging the window 

"in a minute!" a voice said inside before we hear rummaging then the window opens revealing a witch

"sorry eda i was up poison tasting last night what can i do for you?" 

"I'm out of elixirs do you have some in stock?" eda asks handing him an empty elixir bottle 

"ill check in the back oh hello there what's your name?" morton asks 

"um isadora" i respond nervously It was always a little nervewracking whenever someone asked my name here

"oh your isadora! eda does this mean its time for the potion?" morton asks looking excited 

"time for what potion what is he talking about mom?" i ask extremely confused

"morton that was supposed to be a surprise and I'm here for my elixirs you know that" eda says glaring at him

"uh right elixirs be right back" morton says timidly going to the back of his shop

"mom what potion is he talking about?"

"its a potion recipe i wanted to get for you so you can start learning how to make potions"

"oh for what kind of potion?" 

"the common mold its an illness here that everyone gets at least once a year and you just have to sleep it off but if you take a potion for it your healed almost instantly really handy" eda explains

"ok eda bad news im out of stock and the shipment isn't coming until next week but good news i know where you can find some elixir in the night market"

"thats just great hey morton since you ruined the surprise for my daughter could you grab me the recipe and ingredients for the mold cure potion i want her to brew her first potion" 

"oh ok! that i do have this is exciting im always happy to help a witch get into potion making" morton says retreating back into his shop before coming back with a sack inside was a piece of paper along with ingredients 

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