-1: Earth-

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I have been searching for stellar cycles for my sisters, only to find they had fallen one by one. Now I stand here in an old ruin on the planet Earth staring at the final fallen sister. Her wings were shattered, and her frame was rusted. The only thing that was untouched was her fragment, which I took.

"Nova, I am so sorry. I failed you. I failed everyone." I wept, holding the fragment up and fusing it with the rest I had gathered from my other fallen sisters. I held up the brilliant golden crystal, light cascading through it and reflecting into rays of color. "But I will not let this fall into enemy hands. I will atone for my failures! I WILL avenge you all. Nova, Pulsar, Quasar, Galactica, Nebula, Stardust, may you all rest with the Allspark." I sighed softly, anger boiling in me. "And may Primus have mercy on the sparks of those who took you, for I will have none to spare." I then took to the skies, my angelic wings carrying me through the clouds above.

I do not know how long I flew before landing, but it did not matter. I had to keep the relic my order had been holding on to for so long out of the hands of those who would corrupt it. I stared into the crystal and prayed that I could succeed in my mission. I decided to hide it away in my subspace, possibly the last place anyone or anything would go looking for it. I decided to meditate under the warm sun, admiring the beauty of this organic world.

My peace was interrupted by the sound of a ground bridge opening. I was quick to my pedes and readied my halberd. I watched as three bots stepped out, one an army green with dark metal, a blue two-wheeler, and a tall red and blue mech.

"Halt! Identify yourself!" I snapped defensively.

"I am Optimus Prime. This is Bulkhead and Arcee." I stared at them suspiciously for a moment, slowly lowering my halberd.

"Autobots?" I asked, the Prime nodding. I returned the halberd to my back, crossing my arms. "What are you doing here?"

"Was going to ask you the same thing." Arcee said.

"My business is my own." I said coldly.

"We are not a threat to you, Valkyrie. However, we would be honored if you returned to our base with us. Being out in the open puts you at risk." Optimus said. I paused a moment before accepting his offer. After all, what do I have to lose?

I followed the group through the swirling green portal and into a strange looking structure. Waiting for us were 2 other Autobots, a younger black and yellow one and one that was white and orange.

"By the Allspark." The older mech said, his beautiful aqua optics meeting my pastel (f/c) ones. I cocked an optic ridge at him curiously. "I had heard of the Valkyrie. But to see one myself is such an honor." I chuckled at his infatuation, looking over to the Prime.

"You have quite an interesting group here, sir." I said, my (f/c) angel wings fluttering slightly. "But why are you here?"

Optimus then went to explain how he and the Autobots ended up on Earth, the threat of Decepticons, and the recent loss of one of their own. I grimaced at the story he told, my optics looking to the floor.

"It seems our missions are aligning." I said after a long pause. I looked up to the group of Autobots, studying each of their expressions. "You are protecting this planet from the Decepticons, while I am also protecting something of great value." I carefully removed the shard from my subspace, holding it up.

"What is that?" The young mech Bumblebee buzzed curiously.

"This is the true purpose of the Valkyrie. We are guardians, not just of lives, but of the Sunshard. A relic that is said to be a fragment of creation." I returned the shard to my subspace. "Unfortunately, the sisterhood that guarded it has been reduced to one, and I fear I am to blame."

"Why?" Asked Arcee.

"I let my emotions cloud my judgment, and this falter of judgment led to the destruction of the Valkyrie Sisterhood. But I will not allow the Decepticons to get their hands on the one thing we strove to protect with our lives. I can only hope that the sparks of my sisters will forgive me." I drew my halberd and knelt down with it in hand. "In memory of my sisters, and for the sake of the Sunshard, I ask to fight alongside the Autobot warriors. To protect this world and the Sunshard."

"There is no need for such formalities, Valkyrie. However, we will accept your aid." Optimus said.

"I will not fail you. I can not fail you."


A/n First chapter done! Super short, but don't worry, they will get longer. Stay tuned!

Edited 27/4/23

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